1. Them should talk before not after him pay move them bloodclat. Lucky them a get a 25 a week nuff a them fi get boring

  2. Shower Chris it look like yuh did owe fi a while that’s why u send in $1000 .mi sure ano $1000 a month yuh pay.and next time post the full child support papers not just 1 receipt because this ain’t show how much yuh owe or if u current because if you was been good to yuh baby mother she wouldn’t put you on child support so stop fronting shower chris. Show what happened to the case that u hot hold at the nursing home picking up Marijuana and got pulled over and the drugs found in yuh car.the news stared that they been watching you for six months signing for packages. Shower Chris how yuh nuh guh prison. Yuh all ways a travel do clearly you not even get probation. Shower Chris come answer mi mr. You have to be some big time informer to get out this situation a how much people yuh set up and behind bars do u can be free. Are you still working for the feds?. What’s going on Chris??

    1. You have good fathers who are on child support because their baby mothers are bitter. Keep it real, he could have sent in money for months to come. We do not know the story behind their story so let us not jump to conclusion.

  3. But This can be the copy of a Rent Receipt him write the information pon . Why didn’t you send a copy of the FULL money order instead of the reciept Stub HA Genius? This money was paid after the story ran which shows us the the woman was not lieing. ?. Gwwan back a Jamal cause you cah fool ppl a Farrin weh know bout these basic con.

  4. Showa Chris member you owe Fi couple a months Fi child support that’s y u pay 1000 dollars n you still owe so take 1000 seat back cuz u ain’t no goodie goodie daddy so sstop making a fool of yourself on social media

  5. when you try to prove the mass wrong and only end up proving them right,dis do seems to be be an arrears you’re paying off constant with your support for your child sir

  6. But I never know him was on child support fi real. Mi think it was just a case of not giving the baby madda anything. But him talking about look on date…..when was the story posted over here again? ? Kmt. I’m glad we could encourage you to pay up. Now keep it up an don’t mek Pinkwall have to drape yuh up again. Oooh.

  7. Me say pinkwall mek Mon a pay dem chile’ support…..Ray Ray…big up shani’ u sight deh pon tap!!! All wen dem say dem nuh deh pon it…DEM DEH PON IT!!!!!

  8. I blame the men that don’t take care of their children don’t make a story on pink wall make you start paying your child support, abide by your court order and pay up because you continue not to pay child support the arrears will continue to pile up… And if you can travel and do such other things take care of your child before you doing things make sure they are good first and foremost. I hope he keeps up and pay his child support on time…

  9. This could be a scammer/fraudulent money order… Any money order mi see from the post office mi don’t want it.. They duplicate these a lot (especially the Post office office one).
    Why you couldn’t go to the CHECK CASHING PLACE.. *side eye
    So Chris I don’t know bout this…
    I hope the FEDS check that serial # for evidence purpose.
    I’m just sayin…………..

  10. Bronx and Brooklyn has the “highest” HIV rate. Niggers need to check a bitch for an IUD card. If she cant produce her card, dont breed. Yall need to ask people for “current” STD status too. Ask questions like when was the last time he or she been to a doctor.
    If a bitch hasn’t been to a GYN doctor in over a year and she screwing around, possible she has a STD. Oh by the way, you can get electronic results via MYCHART USED IN THE HOSPITALS. Sign up and all details of the visits will be there.NO EXCUSE!!

  11. The girl that sent this story in is mad cause she never got shit from me and the girl in Jamaica did. She never even met my daughter.look on the date and be smart that money order was purchased before the story ran which was the 12t. For the person that said why dont i post the other part of the money order that other patt has my social and case # on it so why would i post it. I never hide the fact I’m on child support doesn’t mean I don’t take care of my daughter. A lot of you stay behind computers and talk all kinds of things it’s doesn’t phase me one bit. The girl worried about me traveling to Jamaica why though? Who stop you from traveling if you broke and can’t travel don’t blame me. She worried about my work and my bleaching cream yet still she buys it. To the girl that ask about my case and how I’m a informer tell me who went to jail? Who did I inform on? I said this already and I’ll say it again it’s a matter of public information go search up my case and find out what happen to it. My lawyer is Jeffrey Chartier go google him and see what type of lawyer he is he’s located on Williams bridge road in the Bronx I suggest u guys use him if u have a serious criminal case. Talk what you know don’t talk what you made up.They even said I got deported how someone that got deported fly back and fourth so often?

  12. Yes an sometimes a father is taking care of the child but the mother gets in welfare an welfare takes him to court not the woman

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