Goodnight Pinky plz hmid!! But me couldn’t hold this no more I’ve had enough and I need to send a message to my so call friend who lived in my home in south florida for 3 months and don’t pay me no rent then save fi him money move gone in a big house!! How can you go through Life everyday just lying your ass off to people? You no tiad fi tell lie? You no think you no too old fi tell lie?? How do you keep up with your lies?? HOW!!!! Frederick Mcyntire/ Shyheim Mcintyre( ANTS)/ MUSLIM whatever you want call you self these days ME WAH ME BL***T MONEY!! Liad dutty boy! I’ve keep quiet long enough! You get very out of order now stop walk and tell lie to so many ppl just to make it through the day!  The f**g jig is up you peice a sh*t!! Everybody knows I’m a very kind person actually too f**n kind and you thought you played me but you played yourself P**Y!!


  1. I am always the first to cuss out money owers and scammers, but mi need more info before mi can jump on this one. Are you upset that the person didn’t pay rent or you upset that they were able to leave your place and go on to something better? What bad things are being said about you? I will leave the cussing to others this time around, I can’t take this one on because I am not 100% sure what is going on here.

  2. Sender of course he should pay back yuh money…however fulltime you stop being in denial!Make no mistake…u did get played,he saved his money n gone off with yours,lived bills free n bet yuh made him hit IT for FREE too for all of 12weeks!!

    In all fairness we need to hear the yute’ s side cuz he can easily claim that he collected for services rendered…if so call it a loss n move on sender..other koki out there waiting to be wined ,mined n dined :cool :nerd

  3. hush yah Bring him guh a civil court and sue him fi yuh money even though the payments every month cyan mash ants it better than nothing.

  4. Suh basically yuh did dun spoil him n mek him live a yuh yawd an innu indeh an naaa gree n a talk bout innu a fren cause buddy an pu$$y stap cum. Him save offa yuh n move out gone to big n betta suh now yuh hurt cause yuh tink issa diff meds him did deh pan. :ngakak miss tap ie fuckery!

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