7 thoughts on “SOLDIER LOVE

  1. Why would you call someone you are sharing your body with germs and dawg? You allowed this man to enter the inside of your body and release what is inside of him inside of you, yet you think so low of him to call him such disgusting names. You have no business being with a man or seeing anyone. He is someone’s child, someone loves him. Stop classing him like that!

    It appears he may very well have developed feelings for you. However, it seems as though he is from a single family home and never saw how a good man treats a woman so he is working it out in his own rocky way. Before you start anything with someone set guidelines, is this a friend’s with benefit, is this a relationship heading towards marriage, is this just a one night stand. Never tell anyone you love them if it is not true. Here he is thinking he has a solid relationship yet you do not like him much. You have to break up with him because he deserves to be with someone who loves and respects him. So do it over the through text.

  2. So Postinor-2 is now a form of birth control? Sender, I don’t think that product should be use for that purpose. What is the long term effect of taking this drug after multiple sex sessions over time T?

    1. It is a Plan B drug, not A! I’m no doctor, but I thought the pill should be used sparely (not 2 or more times per week). I might be wrong, but never heard of it be used routinely or a substitute for an acceptable birth control method.

  3. Him pussy whip… Yuh must stop fuck n whine… Lay dung deh like a log, doe whine, when yuh whine it cause problems… Mi tap whine from long time now.

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