Details out of Philadelphia say that twenty-nine year old Gwendolyn Anderson, a bartender was killed by her ex lover who was 52 years old. Sources say that Anderson was involved with the 52 year old whom she had broken it off with for some time. The gentleman accused Anderson of cheating multiple times throughout their relationship but was still bitter that she did not want to continue. The man stalked her and bought a gun for the purpose of killing her but Anderson even with knowledge of the stalking did not make a police report.

Anderson was said to have found ways of staying out of sight at her home, so the killer targeted her at work. A few days before, he was said to have confronted another young woman whom he has mistaken for Anderson , that did not deter him. On Wednesday, September 26, 2018, he shot Gwendolyn in the head and then turned the gun on himself. He survived, but Gwendolyn did not…Our thoughts are with her children and family at this time


  1. Hmmmm… “hear say a some money vibes ” BULLSHIT!!! Some of these men can’t take being hurt and want to hurt people. First thing them try and do is kill us women when we make up our minds. He can rot in hell for all I care! Selfish motherf**ker! Kill the girl and leave jer 2 boys and family to bear the pain.

  2. He was weak. He probably was unsure of his sexuality. You gotta consider that in this day and time cuz it seems like all of the men ah tun batty mon. I don’t know what it is but all of dem ah tun batty mon. Especially the ones where dog women and treat them like they aint shit. Ah bitch move he made and killed that girl. He was weak. Real weak….

  3. Nobody should take death threats lightly. Like I always say, the most dangerous thing a woman will ever do in her lifetime is to love the wrong man. Heterosexual men have this sense of entitlement to women’s bodies even to the point that successful women who are desirable because of their attractiveness are also target for their anger if these women do not seem to be interested in men and want to live without any romantic affiliation to them. Women do not know just how truly vulnerable they are. Learn some form of self defence and how to use a weapon! Love and Jesus is not enough when it comes to surviving a violent incident.

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