As most people know, this virus that was UNKNOWN till a few months ago was discovered in Hebi , a town in the province of Wuhan in China. Many of you like myself , questioned the fact that it was strange that they had the name of the virus down but had no way on the books on how to treat it. The truth is that the virus is UNKNOWN, what scientists saw, they have never seen before, so the name was quickly switched to COVID19. The molecules within the cells virus are 96% related to those from bats so for some reason there was a mutation within the bat and it was passed on to humans…They know NOTHING about COVID19.

When scientist traced the virus to the market where many of the victims said they shopped, they saw that it contained the feces of many life stock and poor sanitation all around, which is a breeding ground for viruses, new or old. Please note that the flu’s origin has been traced back to the continent of Asia.

Lets talk about infecting and infection of COVID19

No one is A-SYMPTOMATIC as they are claiming..I repeat…no one is A-SYMPTOMATIC as they are saying..your reaction to COVID19 depends on the viral load you encounter at the time of infection ..If you encounter a small viral load your symptoms may be mild or nonexistent . That is why wearing masks are important because it lessens the viral load you may get…It may not stop infection but it will be milder and more manageable for your body…

If your viral load is high, it may be lethal for you and this is why we see people of all ages and good health dying..Its the load they encounter at the time of infection…Wear a mask, it will make things easier for you.

Everyone is susceptible to this virus because it is UNKNOWN…our bodies have not developed anti-bodies to fight it yet so please know that no one is immune .

The most common symptoms of COVID19 are;-

  1. Psychological fatigue – an onslaught of depression may hit you out of nowhere
  2. Fatigue- Your body may feel weak
  3. You may feel like your throat have grains in it, it may not necessarily feel like a throat ache
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Fever
  6. Lack of taste in the mouth
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Tightness within the chest
  9. Extreme weakness
  10. Dry cough as your body tries to expel the virus
  11. Inability to walk in extreme cases
  12. Fever of over 100 degrees

Please wear a mask, stay in and try to drink everything you can that will boost your immune system .


  1. Question. If you get a small viral load and fight it off. What happens if you encounter a large viral load next time?

  2. Sometimes you have to use your brain and learn when someone taking you for a fool. Humans have been around bats and poor sanitation for thousands of years and in November of last year these bats decided to ignore all the cities in China and choose to go to a small town and give a virus to a group of people who then pass it on to other cites in china and the rest of the world, does this make sense to you.

      1. Boy you fool bad, common sense should tell you that if these people got a virus from the bats it would be a virus that someone got before since these people have been around bats for a long time. Bats will not magically produce a new virus out of the blue that no one has seen before.

      2. Oh boy I guess u think Aids and Ebola come from Space and I guess u believe right ? Yall need to stop watch cnn and fox and start do ur own research man most sheep are walking around with phones that are smarter than them! We are in the time of information everything had paper trail.

    1. It’s a biochemical (lab made) man made virus, met ah whey yuh get this information from ? dwpcl

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