Soothing that sore throat naturally

As the rains gradually emerge and intensifies, the weather change takes a toll on the atmosphere because it gets fraught with pollens, dusts and other materials that can irritate the human respiratory system. Some people are lucky enough to escape the effects of such atmospheric contaminants but several others are not.

Consequently, a number of upper respiratory tract infections may occur, a very common one is sore throat. A sore throat often refers to pain, itchiness and/or irritation of the throat. It may be accompanied with difficulty in swallowing food and liquids and the pain may get worse when the patient tries to swallow. Causes of sore throat include viral and bacterial infections caused by the cocci shaped Streptococcus and environmental factors.

Allergic reactions to mold, pet dander, pollen, or other irritants can also trigger postnasal drip. This is when excess mucus accumulates in the back of a person’s throat. This accumulation can irritate the throat and cause pain or inflammation. Also, dry air can also make the throat feel raw and scratchy.

Treatment therefore becomes imperative becuase of the discomfort the patient feels. But, a number of home remedies can bring quick relief to sore and itchy throats.

Honey mixed in tea or simply taken straight up has long been a home remedy for sore throat. Scientific studies have confirmed this natural wonder works. A study of 139 children with upper respiratory infections, for example, found that honey was even more effective at taming nighttime coughs than common cough suppressants.
Studies have also shown that honey is an effective wound healer, which means it may also help speed healing for sore throats.

Salt water gargle
Mothers usually recommend gargling with salt water and they are right. Gargling with warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat and break down secretions. It’s also known to help kill bacteria in the throat. A salt water solution made with a half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water can help to reduce swelling and keep the throat clean.
Several studies have found that gargling several times a day with warm salt water can reduce swelling in the throat and loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria.

Sage and Echinacea
Sage and echinacea together may help reduce sore throat symptoms. A 2009 study observed 154 patients at least 12 years old with sore throats. For the next three days, these participants received either an echinacea/sage throat spray or a medicinal chlorhexidine/lidocaine spray. They used two puffs every two hours, up to 10 times a day.
Results showed that the echinacea/sage spray was just as effective as the medicinal spray for treating sore throats.

Lemon juice
Lemon contains (citrus acid) which helps to break up the mucus that causes sore throat and also helps to soothe the throat from the pain and inflammation. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants which helps to boost the immune system. Lemon is a natural antiseptic which helps to kill the bacteria or viruses in the throat. Lemons are rich in several essential vitamins and nutrients. Lemon juice increases salivation and helps to moisten or lubricate an irritated throat.

Though very pungent, it works. This pungent bulb actually has “tremendous immune-stimulating effects” as well as antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities. So, it helps the body to heal the infections that cause a sore throat while fighting the germs that cause the pain and the irritation. The compound that may be responsible for this is allicin, which is released when raw garlic is cut, crushed, or chewed.


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