1. Very nice testimony. I got emotional reading this. Sometimes we need to calm down and think before we take action. Thanks sender for this.

  2. Well said about the universe mi blogger. Sometimes we have to shut we mouth man, swallowed spittle and watch things work itself out. Don’t diss the elders no time atall, don’t diss those who are unable to defend demself. Spice will forever be ungrateful and callous in my book so me have no words fi she.

  3. Reading this MEK me feel like me just come from church. Love the message Sender. Thank-you. :shakehand2 In Spice’s head she has outgrown all things Jamaican, hospitals included. All now nothing Naro said to her has registered because she wasn’t in it for a dialogue, she was in it for a tracing.

  4. This is so timely, not only to Pice but to everyone. Spice, some thing tells me that you are very unhappy despite the success and fame. Until she deals with the source of her pain, she will continue to bleed on everyone/everything even ones that had nothing to do with her hurt and pain.

    Miss Hamilton, if you need someone to talk to, ask Met your my link. I also think that there are decent people in Dancehall Spice can talk to. I dont know why Cherene Anderson jumps to mind.

  5. well said Spice is too hype for her liking. I never rate her as a dj and i still dnt like the other blogger said she diss my DJ ABOUT CANT HAVE KIDS.

  6. she need to apologies! I notice how she was quick to apologies to the American on love and hip hop but not to her fellow Jamaican.

  7. The fact that GRACE has not apologized gives me reason to worry that she lacks insight and takes no responsibility for her inappropriate behavior. I wish her well!! Carry on me dear!!

  8. I learnt something early in life and some of you may remember it from primary/prep/all age school. “Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice”.
    We all need to remember that “The mills of the God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine”. and no one gets out alive.
    Well written YLT.

  9. And i choose to see his story in another light…’if you don’t have links dung deh dawg nyam you suppa.’ So tell me, what makes them better than Spice. This only confirm what poor people have been complaining about for years..nuff woman lose them pickney because of the non-preferential treatment that they got from nurses and doctors at that place…Spice “suck u madda” never kill Naro. Im sure the treatment or lack thereof (actions) of some of these health ‘professionals’cause nuff people greater pain and even death than the (words) uttered by Spice. And yes, what naro said to spice abt that is also cause for concern. The police probably need to look into if naro did have any enemy weh sick weh go dung deh go dead..kmt

    1. Staygood may I suggest you missed the point of his public address to his mother? Not trying to “diss/bash” or whatever is deemed insulting to you, but Pice openly disrespected the young man’s mother on a public platform. He in turn trying to make light of the situation, mentioned his mother, her profession and for her not to take what Pice was saying personal. You do realize once the entire medical profession community realize who his mother is… his mother is the least of her concerns? Digest that for a second…

      I am sure she as a nurse would not intentionally cause harm to a patient in her care, but maybe ask someone else to care for a patient that once insulted her because of potential conflict of interest.

      This young man could have gotten hostile and tell Pice back about her mother but he chose to take the high road. Something tells me his mother would also choose the high road. I am still at loss why anyone would agree with her behavior towards this young man. I am not convinced just him being critical of her as an artist warranted that kind of hate filled tirade. If just mere words can allow a mother to carry on in such a fashion, in an interview that her children are bound to see…………… then I must ask why are we surprised at the level of violence in our communities???

      The matriarchs are responsible for helping to teach these impressionable young minds exactly how to handle disputes. As a woman and a mother, I would be so embarrassed if my son saw me carry on in such a manner regardless of what was said about me. Shame faced the instant I was caught in that moment a multitude of apologies would have gone out to my kids, my fans, the young man’s mother, the people supporting my women empowerment foundation etc, etc.

      I guess we all view this world from vastly different perspectives. Each one teach one. If I don’t have people around me to tell me when I’m wrong I’d be very suspicious what’s their motives of always agreeing with me are… That is why when friends fall out they become vicious enemies at times. Some will not be honest and tell you to your face whenever you are wrong. But in the event the friendship goes south? Then we the public hear all the nasty details. That’s the yes man and woman syndrome until story come tuh bump. Someone in her camp needs to be honest and tell har it doan luk gud!

  10. @Staygood I think you miss the point of what naro said. I think he meant to say that people have to be mindful of the things they say. For example spice disrespected his mother and if spice should have an emergency and ended up at KPH it might be the same lady she disrespected(naro mom) who will save her life. I don’t think he meant what he said in a negative way. In life we don’t know who will come to assist us or save our life when push come to shove.

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