Undercover christian suck nuff (Edited)Trudy how yu ah tek dah gyal mon an yu ah married ooman, ah mussi(Edited) yu did ah look bc mi nva hear Jay chat bout yu yet. Weh fi call yu LOPEZ OR WILLIAMS. Hussssh I guess yu nva wan wi fi find out.
DUTTY Trudy dah mon wifey seh next time shi ah send in more evidence pon yu if yu nah stop run down fi har mon. Mrs. Williams yu nah change,,, so stop dah f***y yu nah tek mi fi nah idiot.
The man wifey needf to check her man, I’m sure Trudy nah hold him at gun point. Desperate housewives y’all need to realize charity begins at home. Stop climb over unnuh problem a morning time fi come fi you matey. I tired fi tell unnuh. Y’all sleeping with the enemy
Mi hear sey although shi gone ina church shi still a mess wid ppl fi tru, but sender look like u have a Big pot a soup fi dash wey, yesterday Trudy, today Trudy and mi know tmmr a Trudy again!! Lard mi can wait fi know a who fa man shi gone tek now! Cause for all I know a jay er man, a she him love
Just haffi Run in pon dis post, don’t let her fool unnu bout church dis is one evil disloyal girl…. Karma Bwoy!!!!!!!!
Mi haffi run in pon dis post, nuh mek Trudy fool unnu bout Christian she is an evil disloyal bitch!!!!