The peace of God comes when we eliminate anxiety
Of course there were times that all of us would have experienced a road block in our lives. In other words, we encountered situations where it seem as if whatever it was that we were challenged with it was almost impossible to overcome.

The above scenario is the primary reason why I so believe in prayer and its ability to alter seemingly impossible circumstances. While getting ready for work this morning, I began to reflect on the many challenges I would have experienced throughout the course of my life and at the same time placing those challenges before the throne of Almighty God via prayer. In my reflection I have notice that there were prayers that I prayed and forgot about that God had not only answered but answered well beyond my expectation and I didn’t even realize it until I began to reflect on it.

Amazingly, during the time of those challenges, I was very anxious, perplex and extremely impatient with the governing thought of when God will come through for me. Well, the reason behind this post this morning is the simple fact of how quickly we forget how God has answered so many of our prayers, when another seemingly impossible situation presents itself in our lives once again.

In my many years of going through this but always resorting to prayers as my solution, there are a few things that has remain constant and which I consider to be basic principles as to how God initially responds to us when we bring our challenges to him. Firstly, the scriptures says, “Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7-8.

Based on the above scripture, God wants us to eliminate anxiety and our fears from our situations altogether. I have discovered that one of the reasoning behind this is that anxiety is evidence of a lack of faith and according to scripture it is impossible to please God without faith, Hebrews 11:6. So, the scripture goes on to say that once we’ve eliminated anxiety, we must address “EVERYTHING” (not just the matter we so desperately want to be fixed) with prayer, petition with thanksgiving we must present our request to God, and as a result of the spiritual protocol. God will in turn provide us with a peace that passes all understanding during our troubling matters and this same peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Secondly, we don’t think to thank God in advance of his solution as the above scripture has prescribe.

Therefore, if you are in prayer about something and you are still worried, fearful and saturated with anxiety then it is a clear indicator to me that you have yet to fully surrender your situation onto God so that he could allow his peace to overwhelm you. One of the main reasons for this is right after praying about the situation, whenever you talk about the situation it is almost always from a negative perspective. Secondly, we are admonished to address everything in prayer. In other words God doesn’t only want to address and advise us on our troubles alone but to guide, instruct and direct us in all areas of our lives.

“Lord please keep at the front of my mind where you’ve brought me from and the many prayers you’ve answered for me. Father, if there is ever a time I need your peace it is now, the enemy is doing his best to overwhelm me with the negative of this situation to the point that it consumes my mind and spirit every time I try to address it in prayer. Father, I receive your peace even now in the name of your son Jesus Christ. I refuse to proceed any further in this day and even the days ahead without your peace that passes all understanding. I will sing your praises accompanied with reflecting over all the answered prayers you’ve answered for me in the past as an incentive that this current situation is no different as it relates to your miracle working power in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
[email protected]


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