The Power of Communication
“… ‘What advantageth it me? If the dead rise not, Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.’ Do not be deceived: ‘Evil communication corrupts good manners.” 1 Cor. 15:32-34 KJV
Whatever communication that is bent on destroying the glory of God in you shall be destroyed by the greater power of resurrection in the name of Jesus! Whatever power of association that seeks to bring you down is destroyed in the blood of Jesus. Watch your association and communication this day. As a child of God, it’s very important you realize that you’re easily influenced, positively or negatively, by the people you associate with, and the words, attitudes and behaviour that you accept. The Bible says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” (Prov. 13:20). If you truly desire to grow positively in all aspects of your life, especially spiritually, there is need that you associate with people who can have positive, spiritual influence on us.
Bad associations are snares that the devil sets to distract you from God, to scatter your set goals in life, and to eventually destroy you. Apart from evil association to which you are exposed from people with whom you relate, you could also be corrupted when you attach much interest to worldly counsel and the media (music, movies, novels, TV, magazines) Prov. 24:7. You need to work consciously to separate yourself from ungodly or unfruitful associations. Desire righteousness and the true knowledge of the word of God in order to live above the lures of modern tools of evil communication. Remember, if you continue to keep bad company, you will be punished with evil people (2 Chr. 19:2). Is there any association that has entangled you? Is there any association that seems to take you away from God and fellowship with God’s people? Are you into any relationship that tends to lure you into compromising your stand in Christ? What company prompts you to lower your standard as a believer? Identify these, pray against them and decisively deal with them.
Liberation Thought: Watch your association; the devil might lurk in someone else.
Further Reading: Prov. 27:17
Holy Spirit give me the wisdom and discernment to realize whatever unholy association I have made and cancel them
Blood of Jesus will cover me, and enable me to escape every snare of bad associations so that I can focus on the companionship of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of Jesus, O God cover our head in the day of trouble