Then later on in 2Samuel 2 v 4 in spite of everything that the enemies had done he was anointed again to be king of Judah, then in 2 Samuel 5 v 1 -3 finally everybody came and said listen you are to be king of Israel.
I say it one more time, that goal where God is taking you, you will reach there in Jesus name.
The Lord says by the time the sun rises tomorrow, it will bring you a new break through.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight; he said I will give you a taste of exceeding great joy.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, he said when next you share your testimony people will say surely God is great.
By the time you get to Mark 10 v 46 -52 you hear Bartimeus saying something about Jesus, he says Jesus thou son of David.
Now the bible tells us that Jesus is the king of kings and yet the bible records for us that David is the father of king of kings, now that is absolute top.
He started asking among his brethren, he became captain over vagabonds in the cave of Adullam, then he became king over Judah, then he became king over Israel and then he kept on rising until he became father of the King of kings.
I have good news for somebody here today, in the name that is above every other names, I will see you at the top, because that is where I am going. I am going to the top, anybody going to the top with me? I will see you there in Jesus name.
This is the reason why anybody who has any common sense at all will not want to offend God.
Because he is the only one who can give you divine favor, He is the only one who can make sure that nobody can kill you, He is the only one who can make sure nobody can kill your dreams, He is the only one who can make sure you shine at home, He is the only one who can make sure you shine abroad, He is the only one who can make sure that even if your promotion is delayed, it will still come to past.
He is the only one who can make sure you will finally reach the top.
That is why in Genesis 39 v 7 -9 when a woman the wife of Potiphar, tried to entice Joseph into committing sin, Joseph said no way.
The woman said nobody will know, I am the mistress of this house, my husband is away, whatever I say is final and when I ask everybody to clear out of the house, they will clear. So we will do this thing secretly nobody will know.
Joseph said I am not talking of your husband; I am talking of God, how can I do this thing and sin against God?
Your husband has done great thing for me, he has left everything in my hand, but he is only an instrument in the hand of God, I cannot dare offend God.
Many at times some people they think when they look right and they don’t see any one, they look left and they don’t see anyone and the door is locked. They think everything is okay; I can do whatever I like now. God is watching!
I am sure you heard the testimony of a member of the choir, not in our church but in another church. The pastor has agreed with her to go to a hotel and do all kind of things. And they got to the hotel, they were about to enter the room, again the pastor looked round right and he looked left nobody knows us here, but as they were about to enter the room, the girl said to the pastor, we have looked right, we have looked left, she said but we didn’t look up. She said God is watching. That was how she escaped.
Do you know God is watching you? And it is good news that is why the enemy cannot reach you without him knowing. If He is watching you, that is why he can keep your going in and your coming out.
If he is watching you that is why he can monitor what you are doing so that he can make it to prosper. If he is watching you that is why he can make you to find favor anywhere you go.
But because he is watching, that is why you cannot afford to offend him, no matter well you locked the door, you can’t lock God out, he himself is the door, when he wants to come in he doesn’t need a key.
That is why people have asked me again and again, why do you keep on hammering on holiness? I said ‘I have seen a little in my few years in this world, I am seventy years old now.
I have seen people rise and fall, I have seen people promoted by God crashing to the ground. Becoming nothing, why? Because they offend God,
I can assure you of one thing, when I became born again and I was running up and down, winning soul, Doing one program after the other, some people says take it easy that is how they always start, very soon he will go down.
I told them then others may go down, this one is not going to go down. And I am telling you brethren you have not seen anything yet, I am going to go on higher and higher. Why because I have learnt the secret; as long as there is no quarrel between me and God the rest is easy.
Everybody can be against me if God is for me, I am more than conqueror, that is why I am appealing seriously to those of you who are here tonight. Because this is a very special night indeed, if you are still leaving in sin, it is time to repent, if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ before, come and do so tonight.
If you say you are a Christian and you are still living in sin; you are a backslider, come and give your life back to Jesus Christ. Holiness is the master key, you live holy, the rest is settled.
This is a very special night; a night of favor and the Almighty God will have divine favor on you if you repent.
Call on the Almighty God, ask him to be merciful unto you, ask him to forgive you your sins, ask him to save your soul and the rest of us lets stretch our hands to all these people and intercede for them, that God the savior will have mercy on each and every one of them, that God will forgive them and he will watch them clean in his blood.
Ask God to be merciful unto you, ask God to forgive you your sins ask God to put your name in the book of life so that you too can begin to enjoy divine favor … in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
My father and my God I want to thank you for all these people who have come forward tonight, thank you for your word, I thank you because you promise that whosoever will come unto you, you will in no wise cast out. These people have come to you now, please receive them in Jesus name.
Your blood that cleanses from all sins let that blood wash away their sins in Jesus name. Today as you save their souls write their name in the book of life in Jesus name. Beginning from now anytime they call on you, please answer them in Jesus name.


  1. The psalms is my fav in the bible cuz the general theme it preaches is that GOD is worthy to be praised n we should praise HIM always!

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