And when the crowd that came to see the crucifixion saw all that had happened, they went home in deep sorrow. Luke 23:48

Joseph of Arimathea had successfully taken charge of the Lord’s body and the burials ceremony was done and over with. Everyone had gone home to think about all the terrible things that had happened since the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey’s back. Judas had successfully negotiated with those who wanted the Lord dead because of the things He did in His ministry that made nonsense of their religion. Now Jesus was crucified, dead and buried in a tomb and His disciples were quietly mourning their loss in private. The day after the crucifixion must have been even more sorrowful because no mighty spiritual act had happened to cancel the previous day’s tragedy; Jesus was not going about working miracles like He would on a typical day.

Today, people still go through periods like the one I just described when the enemy has struck a deadly blow that has left their lives shattered. This deadly blow could be news that a loved one is terminally ill and have just a few days left to live; Or, it could be a major business collapse; after investing all the money you have and even borrowed some from the bank to complete the amount that was needed to do the business. Now you are penniless and in trouble with the bank who loaned you some money and it looks like that is the end of your story.

But it is often said that God is busy working out our deliverance during the times when it seems as if all hope is lost and there is nothing more that can be done to change the situation. God was at work in hell setting the captives free, destroying the power of death and hell the day after Jesus was dead and buried and people thought that was the end of his ministry. The silence the morning after Jesus died was busy just as the silence in your life right now is busy; God is breaking the chains of brass and cutting bars of iron asunder. God is restoring life to everything that is dead and buried in your life. Watch out for the resurrection morning.

Liberation thought: My miracle is working out.

Further reading: 1Samuel 13:1 – 14


Let the thunder from the Lord destroy every evil altar constructed against my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let every untamed enemies of my prosperity be tamed by the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
Every satanic resistance to my breakthroughs, crumble, in the name of Jesus.


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