1. The mother was dancing. Everyone greave different. You are an asshole. You don’t what she went through already. Stop judging. You ph.

  2. Somebody need fi push a 12in dildo down his throat cause him just disgusting…..ishawna shoulda drown yuh woe har pussy

  3. People grieve different.. my friend lost her only child, and was so strong at the 9 night and funeral.. she break down few days after the funeral and never was the same until she die from the C.. low people mek them grieve how they choose. Sometimes people are in shock for weeks!!

  4. Foota Hype you have no grounds to speak on this topic. You sound stupid,look stupid, you are stupid

  5. Wow this is what you call illiterate!!! FOOTA have you been living with her since the news broke! Are you with her 24 hours ?? Do you know what grief and the different stages are ? it’s because you know she was a women who was LOVED BY A REAL MAN…a Dat a kill u.. cause u don’t know how to love..YUK HE SICKENING BAD!!

  6. I beg to nominate Foota Hype for “Persons we don’t want to see or hear from or about anymore”. I think I want to choose Nicki Chromaz over this idiot! Smh

  7. Anyways. Americans are starting to make the same speculations.
    Anuh jus Footah. Some a unuh jus wah find smaddy case fi deh pan all the time. A same way some a unuh did annoying as fuck couple days ago when Met post seh the couple missing in the DR actually crashed off a cliff. A chat bout a lie a smaddy kill dem wid unuh dunce bat self afta investigators done seh the road did dark and there is no visible foul play. Mi see nuff people a chat fuckry pan the internet daily anuh jus Footah alone.

  8. Did foota consider that the under medication?……… the more him open him mouth the more me understand by Ishawna f–K pon him… a 2 woman did inna the relationship.. n she did want a man

  9. I guess he is talking about Nipsey Hussle wife?

    First off, Everyone grieve different. Often, When someone first passed away, it’s disbelief. This person was in your life one week ago. Didn’t they say she fainted and was hospitalised upon hearing the news? After the disbelief, it’s a whirl wind of friends and family, planning and events. You are so busy during the day. Night time, it hits you as you go to bed alone. But you are still in that state of disbelief. Numb. Sometimes no tears come. You literallly feel dead yourself. But inside it ACHES. It hurts your belly. You can literally feel your heart in your mouth. You are still in this state of shock. You’re usual routine is different – so you haven’t quite yet grasped that your life has now changed forever. But you are busy, so you get by. It used to hit me when I was in the shower. It would be the first point I would be alone during those long, stressful days. When the water would wash over me, I’d ask god to wash away my pain.

    You might not cry because you don’t want your children to see you upset, because that will upset them too. You might want to even be positive infront of them, so that they can follow your mood. But still, all now, u don’t really grasp the magnitude of what has happened. Days or Weeks later, maybe even months down the line is when People gradually come around less. The Hysteria dies down. You are on your own. The kids have gone back to school. Maybe you have had to go back to work. You are alone. You realise he is really gone. This is your life now. This is when it hits you. You miss him.

    You might have split second when u forget and you even take up the phone to call him to tell him something ..: then you realise he’s gone. You trip over something he left in the house. For a split second you curse him… then within a second again, you realise he is gone. It’s proven that The brain searches for routine… it takes a long time to break the routine of a loved one. You will be grocery shopping and think “oh I gotta buy this item for babes” then your heart sinks because he is gone. Grief is long term, sooooo long term. A broken heart takes so long to heal. She will now begin to mourn for a very long time and her life will never be the same.

    Who feel it knows.

    Mi neven ah look pon footah Him….

  10. @ IN MY OPINION – you hit the nail on the head. I think she really wanted to be strong for the children . Some people don’t know how it affects children when they see their loved ones in that state.. I know my daughter is the same – hell if she see’s someone said in even on tv her eyes are flooded instantly…ASSHOLE – everyone grieves really need someone to make that clear to you WATA MOUTH DIRTY BIG FOOT HYPER ?

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