4 thoughts on “THOUGHTS?

  1. Oh how I wish the high net wealth Africans would invest in Jamaica, but they don’t, I don’t know if anybody would stop them from buy anything but I’m not informed enough to know anyway

  2. 100% truth he’s talking,the vast majority of Jamaican are still mentally enslaved,they believe in other races but there own.You ever notice when they see a Nigeria, Ghanaian etc in the first word to there mind is “black & ugly”but notice when they see other races they keep quiet,Chinese run alot of stores in Jamaica right but how often you hear them kill one?but check this out 400 murders for this year so far an alot is poor shopkeepers (yuh get the drift)?.We not trying to condone violence against any group am just saying we are our worst enemy an the other races see that an capitalize on our “brainstain”yes not brainwash because then it can come out but BRAINSTAIN wo-men-tality.

  3. I disagree with his statement for a number of reasons. Firstly, Africans are not lining up to invest in Jamaica. He is giving the impression that Africans were turned away and their money refused vis- a-vis the Chinese. Pan Africanism had some of its most staunch supporters from the Caribbean, chief of which was Michael Manley. Jamaica has done more to fight against the Apartheid “shit-stem” that many more powerful countries. Bob Marley was instrumental in stirring up national pride in Zimbabwe and not to mention our Rastafarian brothers and their links to Ethiopia. No one is saying that Africa owes Jamaica anything but dont come off like Africa as a continent has been giving gifts and Jamaica has refused and chosen the Chinese. The Chinese might have their strategic reasons but the roads and the buildings are being built so….

  4. whiskey, I don’t think you’re getting his drift he is saying Jamaica shouldn’t just sit back and let other nations come there and do as they feel and If Africans was to do what the Chinese do they wouldn’t get that warm welcome as for apartheid we did a lot yes but African is still suffering from that so they don’t have any riches to give us when they need it there in most places

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