Good day pinky please hide my ID. So me and my sister never talked for actually a year because of her mouth. We recently over looked that and start talking back around 3 months now. So about a week ago i was at her house and her friend asked her to follow her to go and meet a man that she met online. Anyways it was the morning for them to go and meet the man so me n my sis n my kids leave out. Her friend now was getting out of patient she start to behave very bad over the phone n start to tell my sister say a thats y she dont love to beg people to do things for her and a deal with me sister like me sister a some little girl. Me think my sister ago answer her only to find out she just lap her tail. Anyways she end up leave me sister so we saw her at a next bus stop so she was there acting up same way and as she see a taxi come she asking my sister say you dont see the taxi? So me get fed up of her now and said to her why you dont go and sit in the taxi?? Miss lady ready fi jump down me throat like how she deal with me sister so me make she know say she not to come namm me up n she that a she ago look fi man is not me sister. Uno know say me sister hear me answer her and vex up with me rite there and then. So we was in a next taxi cause a near weh she ago look fi man me live. So someone was calling my phone n me show me sister only fi hear she shout out me no wah see nutn cause fi you friends ano fi me friends. And rite there and then me see say she a pree me because me go answer her friend because me see say she a chat to me sister like she have secret fi me sister. So up ontil this very minute she still have me up for her friend even come to my house trying to come look problem with me n all me do a walk her out. She come a talk bout her friends will never be my friends so i had to let her know that im not the type to go around and look friends from puss and dogs me simply saying that you cant let people deal with you like poppy show then turn round and two a uno laugh together. Wallers was i wrong to answer the friend? And was i wrong to tell my sister what i told her??