2 thoughts on “WATERHOUSE PART 5

  1. I think the ppl should protest and use the media to ur advantage since the police are not making steps. Stop fearing death and what these killers could do… You want change, then the ppl can’t sit back and expect change ..get up and go fight and stand up for ur rights. Ppl are powerful best believe that… call een some prayer warriors to pray for yall before going out there and while yall are out there protesting prayer warriors are praying At the same time with phones out. Screaming for change. What about community meetings? what happen to the drive, the fight. Think about the heroes and heroines they fought with sticks and stones against guns without fear… Because of what they believe. Im not saying fight in that way but be strong if the corrupt police won’t change on their own force them to change.. not all police are bad and law is in place for a reason and im sure they want change too. Make the necessary steps keep meetings come together with a plan a blue print they can’t kill all of you trust that and they will be more scared ..the ppl are more powerful than them. Most times when you don’t have the help(police/government you just have to do it urself expose the corruption expose the corruption. Be determine!

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