1. Bwaay a your chile and all, but this would never come to my mind to do with my son at that age or any age at all..but to each his own still. My thing is this – if you want to tek a pic like that, why feel the need to share? If it is something important/sacred..kip it ah u yaard, anuh ebryting good fi nyam good fi chat..goes for this too, just because u tink it is your right and it’s your binizz, why not keep it that way..wah u a share fah? share it wid u pickney man and or u family why share it wid di wurl? kmt..

  2. i dont get why you would think they are inappropriate….those 2 boys look like toddlers so he idea of them seeing their mother in the nude or cuddling next to their mother in the nude in and of itself is not inappropriate……children begin to learn about their sexuality when they become exposed to the outside world aka by the time they are school age…in other words….at the age they represent in these pics….the two boys have gender identity but would have no clear idea of what their sexuality is to find it uncomfortable to be around their mother in the nude…another way to ask the question is….is it inappropriate for a mother to take her 5yr old son into the ladies room with her at the mall because she has no one to watch him while she goes?….

    1. Shut up yuh bumboclaat! A wah kinda f**kery dat yuh write…. A dem rassclaat tings deh from early Mek bloodclaat ppl touch up mi likkle 3 year old pumpum, bout when kids get expose to world.. sound like a frigging…. Cho bloodclaat!!! yow come re-type dis rass yah oh… Cause yuh Nuh write it good.

  3. INAPPROPRIATELY DONE ON BOTH SIDES!! Uno too taken up by wanting approval by the world and love attention, let kids be kids n stop put them out in a bad way.

  4. Inappropriate base on age and positions.

    Black offended person, you should not have your walking talking son straddling you while you’re both naked! Period.

    You should study your African roots more. Babies learn disconnect and life roles early. Maslow and freud say yu wrong regardless of race 😉

    As fi the white one. Inappropriate with the pumpum against the posterior of her son’s naked body.

    Inappropriate behavior and using race to get a pass…bitch please.

    Once they have teeth, potty trained, can say abc then that naked cuddling,and bathing done with.

  5. Honestly, when I saw both pictures this morning, I said to myself yup it is ratchet because for me tattoos are VERY ratchet. I also don’t care for semi-nude photos of me and my kids together, especially after the newborn years. Neither pics make any kind of damn sense to me. Commi like dem ppl nuh see America bout to implode.

  6. Disgusting no wonder these last days boys feel them a girl child like magic Johnson son . Am tatally against naked against my small child in bed or in pictures that’s wrong .

  7. To each his own; however, I would not pose with my son this way ( no matter the age). I feel uncomfortable with both.

  8. interesting…..ppl are saying the pictures are inappropriate but spend more time commenting on the tattoos….i believe i stated quite clearly the age/gender/sexuality argument as to whether the picture is appropriate or not….but as usual….wid jamaicans and ppl on this site…anything that relates to sexuality and/or religion…..is cause for condemnation….which is why i typically avoid these issues with jamaicans…….as for latty whoever di hell yuh is….if smaddy did a touch up yuh pickney..sorry to hear dat happen and hope di perpetrator di get two swift one wid a cutlass……but clearly you have a biased opinion….otherwise….how is dat related to dese pics of mother and child….??…..

  9. Unless it was a shoot for a mag ot something;those pics never really necessary…after mi wouldn’t hang those inna my family room or hallway.
    I have a 5 year old son and i do not allow him to see me naked, never bathe with him or anything like that bc i think a child must be treated as such

  10. How is tattoo ratchet. I’m a professional person with the coveted college degrees, two as a matter of fact and I have tattoos and want to get at least one more. I have seen tattoos in the boardroom, on doctors, on educators, on just about every body you ppl will call professionals. You might not like tattoos and you’re entitled to your preferences but you’re not entitled to label anything others choose to do to their body as ratchet.

  11. Whether tattoos are found in a boardroom, on a doctor, or on a rapper doesn’t matter, I THINK they’re “ratchet.” The status of the person wearing the tattoo is completely irrelevant TO ME. Honestly, its not even a serious topic and Im feeling too lazy to get into depths about it but right now, however that’s MY PERSONAL OPINION. There’s no law against them nor is there a law forcing me to like them. I’m entitled to my opinion and you are entitled to disagree-no harm, no foul. Furthermore, I’m sure there are a couple trends/practices in society that you have a negative opinion of, right? Many of your dislikes, I may actually like. Thats how the world works.

  12. Di likkle boy in other pics look like him have a white shorts or something, but still di mummmer naked…bwaay people tek ebry thing seh a art..smh

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