12 thoughts on “WHAT JODI FEVA DOE?

  1. Dirty nasty looking slut! Leave ppl decent son name out your stink mouth. Settle for a DH man cause that’s all you deserve. Nobody decent want you

  2. No @Latty, you should see this girl in person. Her ass look like rockstone on two stick. It really look horrible…im sorry. Some part of her must regret the decision to do surgery. She was so much cuter, body nice and neat. I dont want to go in too much details describing the appearance of her ass and the Steve Harvey teeth, it just look infected or batter bruise, idk.

  3. Jodi need a life and to stop sleep on kim couch the dentures she put in looks so nasty like they bout to fall out any minute now.jodi thinks her body look good but her breast got some big ugly scar on them both.her ass hardly moves & is not soft, half was injected with bad batch that also almost kill dovey magnum.her legs are soooooo oooo small she has no real stance.so the time u saying free meek jodi u would say u know ur an awful mom for the dad to keep ur child from u.

    1. U so nuff Dovey never get ass shots she have a bbl and y y’all love tea set pin di gal wat she doing that’s hurting ur heart so much y her body n wat she do to it ah bother yuh

  4. Jody you made it girl. Your are now a certified bum ass prostitute, You look cheap and thirsty. you may now exit the building and collect your prize in the nearest alley, kiss one of the alley cats for me. Girl Bye

  5. this is the biggest waste Gyal in dancehall and on instagram. A show har battyhole pon instagram omg …

    will the bitch with the worst surgery please stand up..!(Eminem’s voice)

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