Lisa sweetness (in the hat) is the matey who’s truck Richie washing and a war man over. Michelle the wife(in the jeans shorts) da Pon he’s my husband. Well boo her husband don’t rate you


0 thoughts on “WHO OWN DI MAN PART II

  1. Will they have several seats tho ….

    d man look like a certified glass wiper down a spanish town rd


  2. :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak met a wha you get these ppl from? me go play toya song.. wife a life! ooohh I love that song :cool

  3. Michelle a old woman a young gyal richie wnt.. and a lisa him want . The gyal nah fi war over richie n she dnt need to bcuz wen she tell him she done him affi come back bcuz a she seh good up pussy str888.. unu guh suck unu munma n lowe d gurl alonea she seh richie n him seh she.. unu mad who ever put up this unu sure fi unu life better.. unu guh watch fi unu life n lowe d gurl alone..

  4. @Met – Just look at the man, it look like all he can do his wash cars… What he bringing to the table and he have the nerves to cheat pon him wife… I just can’t see it yet these men no good…

  5. The Lisa sweetness just step ina a dancehall & clean up the place ‘ she don’t say no she Fck hard on the down low queens man them dun that . My gurl u take it easy only trash u collecting den look pon the man too gully bop look more presentable than dat .

  6. Good evening met & Metters!

    Is he washing a car in front of an apt building??? I have to ask caz this is a pet peeve of mine.

    I just can’t… So what happen if the other parked cars were just washed?

  7. Duty michelle u & ur crew a real man clown
    Richie no stop tell ppl say a cause him son him do business marriage to cause him nuh walk with u cause him shame …..michelle jaw them big like she look like the cabbage patch dolly dem

    1. He’s also giving har plenty beating smh maybe the wife value har life. Who really want an abuser but a stupid woman? she’s getting rings with black eyes

  8. Lisa sweetness? Those two words don’t go together. Why do ugly women also add these words to the name. Lisa looks like a dyke to me.

  9. Lisa why u sen this in, stop it. The man nah love him wife, business or no business she get what she was suppose to get, nuff a den dey wid man/woman that have grew card and don’t help them, she can say she get green card out a him. Richie don’t shit, but him wan bad, and Lisa ur a dam fool, why would u leave yuh yuh good man for someone husband/ baby father that u can’t even talk to in public, but u say him and him say she, ohhhh ok.

  10. Michelle plz go learn fi spell cause we know its u
    Ur jaw come in like wen ppl have mumps old beat up face woman. Richie want u & u claim him say u but him a war over lisa …u should be ashamed u soon 50 & make man a take u tun door mat

  11. Why do these woman be side chicks to these broke pockets negros? I mean come on…look like she’s not getting much but a screw. These woman are worthless for doing this. If you going to be a side chick, make sure you get real money or something good out of it. Better yet, sometimes these side chicks be doing a wife a favor.

    Side chicks be thinking that they be getting the prize. Come to find out they take up the useless treasure. Instead of making the wife deal with the shit. Side chick take up the shit when they have opportunity to get there own and make a clean way.

    Wives, sometimes don’t fret cause side chicks can gwan with piss pot. I’ve seen it happen all the time. Side chicks think them win and come to find out they stuck with the shit. They wonder why did they take them up. The man find out later the side chick isn’t good too.

  12. Lisa talk how richie mek u drive come jersey fi him a work in the rain, u get lost few times then when u reach him beat out u rass. U come pon fb with it, so till kim and kim gotti get in a argument cause she tek it up on her head.

    1. Dwrl everything dem careless woman here post on FB, I felt bad for her when I read that post! like really unless you called the cops no reason to make that info public knowledge, no shame at all

  13. Dead & wake nesha the time u come a trace u fi michelle u go eat & stop stress ova posh posh talk how him baby mother inna the party & step
    Pass u a the door & dnt pay & u look side the buring ground

  14. MicHElle u face look like droopy ears them mot even face lift can fix that at all richie dnt Want u so stop it him a own up lisa & a war over har …u a talk bout wife & u husband openly a sleep with lisa u have no self esteem or confidence u bog up ur self bout wife u shoulda shame

  15. Lisa nose look like toilet plunger
    Michelle, this is how mi know God nuh involve wid human make up cos no way him would mek somen so ugly. Mi nuh think gym can help that body either, she need a full body lift.

    Oonuh should be embarrassed.

  16. michelle all of this just for papers OMG u must shame like dog. but you nah have shame cause a you and Tracey a fren… lol bout Lisa cant talk to Richie in public Michelle ask how much Tuesday night him inna Lornas with her.

  17. All a unu who a hate pon lisa a chat off unu mouth n unu life come like a big pile a Shit.. dutty stinking stay bad posh posh woman him nuh wnt u.. bcuz posh posh full a gyal.. unu affi a do things fi mine d man. Dutty stay bad michelle.. u look like some old tuff chicken u nuh see seh u a old woman.. richie dnt wnt u. Richie jus a use u fi ur things dem.. woman ur life sad like funeral…. richie seh lisa n lisa seh richie unu guh suck pon something n lowe d gyal alone.. cuz some a unu life is a big dutty mess.. Sorry michelle but u need fi guh sit dun yr time expired.. u nh gawn with nothing.. a baaayyy.. n this skinny tuff nast bitch not even knw weh she name dutty posh posh side woman u need fi guh meet ur teammates dem. Road bcuz gurl u shairng.. posh posh a look me bad but mi nuh wnt him a baaaayyy.. bcuz mi nuh f**k dancehall man..

  18. @foxy @fablus one @i ispy @dwrl.. unu need fi guh watch fi unu life n come off a d gyal name.. bcuz non of yall bitches aint no body.. unu man a beat unu under d quiet n a f**k how much gyal a road n unu nuh rass better… suh unu guh suck some hood n stop watch d gyal life.. unu get d f**k out of here..

  19. Lisa aka bosslady go get some self esteem Unu fi look good man war ova mek. Look how richie always look dutty. Ewwweee.

    Every thing richie post u a comment a try prove something. And him not even a look.

    Me hate young gal weh clueless.

  20. richie walk and tell everybody say him dont want michelle he just want to help her cause of him son. but richie stomach strong bad michelle ugly how him hood stand up fi she.

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