I’m writing from a fake page in regards to my friend who just had a baby yesterday and the baby is currently at Toronto General Hospital in Neonatal ICU fighting for it’s life. My friend is so upset and devastated right now because the baby need a blood transfusion and they need to check the father’s blood for a positive match. Unfortunately we are not able to get in contact with him; due to the fact that my friend got pregnant by this man from a one night stand 3some which included myself. Please, don’t judge us because as a female some of us do make some stupid mistakes. We are only a couple of 18 year old and we were just having fun. After she told him that she was pregnant he disappear on us. Unfortunately we are not able to locate him. He changed his number and he had never ever brought us to his home.
I need to get in contact with him urgently because the baby’s life depends on him. Please if anyone has any information about his whereabouts or any thing that could potentially help us please, I need your help.
The only information I remember is his baby mother ig page is @lexidaps.
Please the baby’s life depends on this information.
Thank you in advance. I’ll be in the comments.
Jesus christ, a wah dis me just ead? help them father
Gal yuh and your friend go move unno self bout only thing you memba is him baby mada page. Y u never say from di start ah Dexta Daps??? Trouble unno ah look fi start. Furthermore if all the baby need is a blood transfusion it can receive the universal blood type O.
Birches need to stop. This sounds like total fabrication.
Dexta married likkle girl and why uno sleep with him unprotected. Life nuh always fair so hush girl. Sorry for ur friend and baby, sometimes I wish babies could decide who they really want for their parents. See ur friend carelessness mek an innocent child in problem now, that is if a true uno a talk, because some a uno lie n worst than Satan himself. Ur story is the norm for uno carless young ediot yam head girls. Sorry for the child though if there is one.
These girls are circus clowns. Gimme a break. Leave the lady alone and find sumn do. You know her page but dont know her husband page? :ngakak
Him baby mother not leaving sender
So it come to this, unno ah use baby to hold people emotions hostage?? Unno need Jesus and a beating outta the table foot the last supper was held on. unno run the cratches bareback and pregnancy occur. So what bout the others unno give a happy sandwich to??? They arent candidates in the raffle??? Dexter naw hide, he is a public figure and deh all over the place. Stop create drama, accept seh him cant tame,seek professional medical assistance for the child, if one exists and pray hard.
Y’all wanna stir up shit in the man life by posting fake shit..bitch bye…this no cut cause yuh not getting a number nor info nor is Lexi leaving..unnuh will try every fucking thing to come between a man an him woman..now a dis unnu come wid..lol
I need receipts to believe this story. It sounds so fishy. If the baby needs blood it goes by the blood type, so the hospital has blood to give the transfusion, they don’t need the father for blood transfusion. If this is such a high priority case they would have moved the baby to Sick Kids where all the pediatric specialists are. The only reason they would need to test the father for anything is if they needed to do a bone marrow transplant. Up to now you have not provided the name of the medical condition the baby has, even at 18 you must could add that to your story. If your story is true I am sorry for not believing you, but this is the Internet you just can’t believe everything you read on here.
I’m no doctor but even i know that you don’t need to locate a father to do a simple blood transfusion. You need a perfect match for bone marrow transplant but you didn’t say that. If there is any truth in your story then my heart goes out to the innocent baby. However, in this day and age with diseases rife no one should be having unprotected sex with someone they barely know unless they wanted to get pregnant for that barely known person on order to secure a meal ticket for 18 years. SMH
Jesus mi god :cool :hammer
Hmm sounds fishy but if true and is about more than this transfusion you can have him take a paternity test and go from there. If he was careless enough to sleep with two of you unprotected as a married man and cum in you then I guess he is ok with you or she being his new baby mama.
I’m assuming if this is factual, they are trying to find out about the alleged father’s genetic history to check for diseases. Sender they can surely test the baby’s blood type quite rapidly. If for some reason baby and mum have different rh factors and she was having regular medical care during the pregnancy all of this would have come up much earlier. So yea, the story needs some more details before you can get support via this medium.
On a side note, if he is the father, most of these entertainers and DJs are a waste of time and take many years to grow up and step up. Protection should be used and not just to stop pregnancy but also for protection against diseases. Sender you and you friend must do better.
Why u never try an reach out to him via manager, private message, call ect ect, no u cum on social media wid u mix up an disgrace, kmt,
You sure him the baby daddy. Because you don’t know man and sleep with him unprotected. You sound really careless. Try something else and stop try to mash up people life.
:hoax Renae630 got exposed too. it’s too easy to harass people on online and nobody to take responsibility it’s unfair. U couldn’t care less about them yet somehow they wake up everyday with u on their mind.
Sender is a stalker