Kabiru Ibitowa has approached Ile Tuntun Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State seeking the dissolution of his 17-year-old marriage to his wife, Busayo Ibitowa.

Kabiru while presenting his testimony before the court president, Chief Olasunkanmi Agbaje, stated that his wife was troublesome and was always fighting him. He added that he was in the habit of returning home late from work.

According to the plaintiff, he had reported the defendant to her parents on many occasions but she had refused to change.

He thus prayed the court to dissolve their union and grant him custody of their four children.

“My wife is not there for me and our children. We don’t feel her presence in the home. She leaves for work early in the morning before the children are out of bed and returns late when they have gone to sleep.

“I often complain about this habit but she turned deaf ears to me.


“I further reported her to her parents, they counselled her but she still held on to her old ways.

“We often quarrel and sometimes fight over this issue while her parents have mediated in the matter on many occasions, “he stated.

“I have helped her in setting up businesses at six different times but they all went bankrupt.

“The last time I did, I gave her N45, 000. My wife, to my surprise, spent this on food.

“She later started hawking fish without my consent.

“I pray the court to grant me custody of our children because she can’t care for them, “he said.

Busayo didn’t admit to the claim brought against her.

She stated before the court she had nowhere to go with the children while she can’t leave them with him.

“There had never been any misunderstanding between us until he decided he wanted to marry a lady who was close to me.

“I objected to this and we fought. I also fought with the lady. My husband and the lady later arrested me with the police.

“It’s true he gave me money for business, but any time he did he would stop giving me and the children feeding allowance.

“I would therefore resort to taking out of the capital to feed the home until I exhaust everything.

“He has stopped sending our children to school because he said he didn’t have the financial means.

“He asked our first and second children to learn a trade while he took the third to his brother in Osun State without my consent, “she concluded.

After listening to both parties, Agbaje stated that more proof would be needed before judgment was given.

He, therefore, adjourned the case till October 10 and ordered both to come with their children and parents.

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