He Has Not Spent A Dime On Our 2-Yr-Old Son Since He Was Born

The three-year-old marriage between one Kafayat Aliyu and her husband, Kamorudeen, has been dissolved by an Idi-Ogungun Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State on the grounds of irresponsibility by the latter.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Kafayat, a trader, who lives at Beyeruka area of Ibadan, told the court that she never experienced peace of mind nor enjoy their union.

“The problem started the very moment I got pregnant for him. He didn’t contribute a kobo towards my care and that of the pregnancy from the time I took in till I put to bed.

“Our child is now two years old, but he has contributed nothing towards his welfare. My family members and I have been the one taking care of our son.

“My husband cares less about our welfare,” she said.

According to her, Kamorudeen was always claiming not to have money.

“He always says he doesn’t make enough sales from his meat business. This has been his usual excuse.

“He has also beaten me to a pulp a number of times.

“One day, he took away all the electronic appliances in the house. He also took my gold chain and earrings as well as my N8, 000 without explaining what he did with them,” she said.

Kamorudeen, 35, a resident of Adeoyo area of Ibadan, however, denied beating his wife.

“When I married her, things were going on well, but now, things have changed due to the downturn of the economy.

“As a result of this, I give her money once in a while.

“She would always complain that what I gave her was too small which gets me angry,” he said.

He also denied packing valuables out of the home and taking her money.

Having heard from both parties, the court president, Chief M. B. Balogun, concluded that Kamorudeen was not ready to take up his responsibilities as husband and father.

He, therefore, dissolved their marriage and ordered the defendant to be paying N5,000 as monthly upkeep allowance for the child.

In addition, he was ordered to be responsible for the payment of the child’s school fees.

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