
Lusaka woman left the court in stitches at Kanyama local court when she said her husband fainted three times while having sex with her.

This was a case in which Samuel Mayoba, 34, from Chaminuka sued Misozi Mayoba, 31, of the same area for divorce after being starved of sex for a long time.

Times of Zambia reported that Misozi said her husband went against doctor’s orders by demanding sex regularly instead of having it twice or once in a week because of his heart problem.

“Your Honour, my husband fainted three times while having sex with me,” said Misozi, causing laughter in court.

The two got married in 2002 and have three children together, but their problems started five months when Misozi started denying her husband sex.

Mayoba said when Misozi got pregnant, she did not allow her husband to have sex with her.

Mayoba, his wife sometimes used violence by roughly pushing him away whenever he demanded sex unless she was in the mood for intercourse.

He said his wife did not only deny him sex but also refused to perform other matrimonial duties, thus putting him in an awkward position.

“There was a time, Your Honor, when I bathed water which she had drawn leading to a fight. She grabbed my neck forcing me to slap her,” Mayoba said.

Mayoba said he last enjoyed sex with no objections in 2013 thereby forcing him to start sleeping in the sitting room before he involved parents.

In defence, Misozi said her husband listened too much to what the in-laws were saying and that he fainted most of the time he had sex.

Senior magistrate Serah Nyendwa, sitting with Ackim Phiri and Daniel Phiri, divorced the two, said the wife was supposed to help her husband when he failed to perform in bed.

“Divorce is granted. As a wife, knowing that your husband was not feeling well, you were supposed to be the one on top of him,” magistrate Nyendwa said.
sex court

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