
Wow what a beautiful picture. You come around him once every 6 months for a 20 minutes visit and take 100 pix to post and all of a sudden your the best father in the world. Won’t you let people know that your in NY every other month. Sometimes 3-4 times for 1 month. And your only 10 minutes away from you son (@ the hotel up the road or at the restaurant around the corner) and don’t say let me go pic up me son. I’m begging you to spend time with you son and that’s too much for you to do. The last time you saw him was December and god bless the time before that.

And all the $1500-$2000 you talking about. BITCH WHERE?! I work that much in 2 weeks. Did you think I was going to school all these years to sit home and become a house wife. Don’t forget that I have to beg you to send money to your son all the time. Like your doing me a favor. Sending it today turns into tomorrow. Tomorrow turns into next week. Next week turns into next month. And when you do send me your chump change you act as if you just send me a million. I shouldn’t be begging you to take care of your son. Or for you to keep your son for a weekend for the past 6 years. You always say “yeah mon” and all now it can’t be done.

And since we both sharing info why don’t you tell the people that I took you to child support last year April because you wasn’t paying anything. I have the paper work to prove it. And When you got the papers in the mail you had Junior Skeng Troopa Traloopa calling me and my moms phone begging me not to go through with it. Or did you forget that motherf**ker. You got everyone begging for you because they don’t know the real you but that’s not gonna work anymore. My son comes first.

You the wicked one who puts bitches in front of your son. Won’t you tell every one that when I was 5 months pregnant in December. You was in my home rubbing my belly tell me that your vex because it’s not your baby and why I didn’t tell you I was pregnant. Yes Mr. Brooks let them know. Just because we leave all those years ago doesn’t mean you leave your son. The system is set up for men like you. Me who flosses on jewelry, sneaker and cars but finds it difficult to send your son something. Your trying to put me under the bus but don’t realize I have proof of everything I’m saying. (Text message or court documents) Even you say that you don’t know your own son. My son will have a great life with or without you in it.

Don’t get me wrong. You might really love your son but showing is better than saying. Instead of posting a pic, take him to go get a ice cream cone. That would mean the world to him. I have to teach my son how to be a man by myself. Something I know nothing about but at least I’m trying. And sending your once in a while money doesn’t show anything. I will never tell my son anything negative about his daddy. Your making him build his own thoughts of you. Everyday he thinks his daddy doesn’t love him and everyday I tell him that daddy does love him but he’s not stupid. He sees that daddy is never there for him on his own.

You son doesn’t need a FaceTime because it’s Father’s Day he needs you when he misses you or when you promise to come see him and you never do. I love my son and I will always make sure that Gavyn David Brooks is happy.

Gavesha DiGoddess’s photo.

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Ta Nia I know you well enough to know if he didn’t post things to make himself look good you wouldn’t have said anything!

Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

Nadia Grant Sometimes you just have enough Ta Nia and some of these men just don’t understand even if he was giving money a son/child need a dad.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs

Ta Nia I know Nadia I know if he didn’t post Gav wouldn’t say anything cause she’s not like that so I post my comment before everybody who lack facts run in and start chat

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Latoya Alicia Mclaren Dead ass!! We been Facebook frenz for years and you hardly even post shit!!! So when I see you did that last night I know that shit for real!!! I’m upset that he even post that and go as far as you don’t work and never did to show U how man wicked! Tru…See More

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Tara Miller Sometimes the truth needs to be told hun!! People are so quick to judge us but never know what’s really going on and the truth to the story. Good for you, you can’t hide shit just because he is a public figure, f that if he even worked at McDonalds i…See More

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Nadine Brown Mi agree with Latoya Alicia Mclaren Gavesha DiGoddess hardly be on like dat.. dat shit is hurtful, I can relate… let it be known tho…. #dead #beats

Like · Reply · 1 hr

Alicia Blackbeats Reid-Meridith Listen gavesha let him post all di pic him wah u jus bi di wonderful mom dat u r n continue 2 guide lead n protect ur son n keep on luv him wid every beat a yuh heart God bless u

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr


  1. where these man find these careless women.. Smfh..all the business out to hear…Gavesha group the hell up..pinkwall really..smfh u not the first mom to go through this or the last..u son must shame a both of u..

    1. Go choke on Movado balls and LOW the Girl. Is people like YOU why females scared to talk up about these worthless fathers. How is she careless? Movado tell lies on the poor girl that she not working and all these things so what if she come clear the air? Why you go fly away Chink.

        1. How you do Lady? :peluk I wish you would put up a wall of shame for these worthless fathers, especially in the dancehall culture. Who knows? Maybe it will help if we put them on blast. Let the WORLD WIDE WEB see them, Let it be heard. Even put under their pictures, How many kids they have. This is really sad. How can you live your life knowingly you have your child and not even a phone call? But you out there in the streets with Big Veeecle and namebrand clothes. For the life of me.

          1. :peluk dem need fi put pan blast especially the ones whey a hype pan di social media fi get fan stripe.

    2. A must di PR this, smh. Why gnu don’t tell him to spend some time with the boy and help raise him instead of bashing gav. Unu lie and wicked, she fi chat out everything.

  2. When ones cup run over, it run over so till the cup all drop and mash right up. She is not the only one who is going through this, I have mad respect for females who does not hold their mouth and they speak the truth. Dutty Ghetto fence Mofraudo, Why you tell lies that the girl don’t work to let you look good? These dirty men is something else. Ghetto mentality, They thinks that because they give money every 3yrs or every year on the child birthday that is actually fatherhood. When is this going to stop? And for the females who constantly get pregnant for these niggros knowingly that they have other kids that they are not in their lives, GOOD LUCK. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. As a single mom my self, I FEEL THIS GIRL PAIN, THE EMOTIONAL STRESS OF BEING THERE AS BOTH PARENTS. MY God. Lady? If you reading this, the best thing you can do for your son, Is to let him break the cycle, Let him know from a young age not to go around and getting females pregnant and not being in his kids life. What a shame. When Man tek up new GIRL on the block, This ish always happened, NO time is giving to his Kids. WORTHLESS MOVADO, COME OFF SOCIAL MEDIA TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK GOOD.

  3. House pon the hill, Benz inna a garage, louis V inna closet and only 2000/mo for your son. Yuh mathematics wrong! You should be ashamed to even say that. 2000/mo cannot rent a two bedroom apartment and pay your son’s school fee in NY. Further more, provision of financial support is only a tiny part of being a good father. There are many great fathers with way less riches than you Gully God. I don’t know the fully story but from what the baby mother said coupled with your rebuttal, your definitely not doing what you need to for your son. The yute is only 6 years old and his mother sounds like a very reasonable person who just wants the best for her son and not just money. So, its definitely not too late to get in there and support him like you need to before he begins to resent you.

    1. That house can have a mortgage, that car can have a loan, them clothes come from scamming or teefing. So again him no really have nothing when yuh think about it. Do like the asians ALL CASH no debt in america or nowhere else. lol


      2. A pure shit yuh a chat in this comment! Mavado is a superstar if yuh never get di memo. Land buy, block and cement buy fi build house. Mortgage where?

    2. Really 2000 is not a lot at all to support a child in NY. One decent apartment cost more. My baby father is an accountant and his child support was $1600 and that was years ago. I take him out because he was giving my daughter $2100 religiously every month for school fee and part of mortgage and he is no god! And never drive Bentley!
      Didnt the promoter just say he pay 36k for the show a CA last month. ain’t about money but about time spent with child but he really just flop his self with that statement. Girl gwan do for your child! The real God over gully Gaza Miami and NY will provide!!

  4. him wicked bad! the time him tek a mek moe a plan date and birthday party him go spend time with him child.t me believe her a vex him vex how she don’t want him no more.. when him married ever know.. she just find out him fi take care of his child, all moe she a do a collect and a save. met she say she haffie beg him fi send a ting. is like him wan the girl fi kiss him ass fi get something for the youth.

  5. She just prove mavado don’t no nothing weh gwan she deh she have have had job and him deh she nah work. Him too wicked. This should be a lesson to men that spread their seed everywhere as if it’s a game

    1. The way how the line coulda long him no want start no probably. This pathology of deadbeat MF’s cross all income/social levels.

  6. Dogshit Mofraudo and him followers fi low di girl mek she vent. Six years of emotional stress she have bottle up and this dogshit a gwan like him a father. U need to be castrated fraud bwoy

  7. it don’t matter if works yes or no.. he needs to do is part as a father! everytime mavado do him foolishness dem defend him.. most of those ppl who defend him don’t have any child or responsibility. bout u tek the gal out the ghetto? u nuh tek moe out of the dump? talk bout dat.. where did bounty tek you from? ungreatful wicked

  8. gavesha fi screenshot all a the picture dem weh him a brag pan car and house all the birthday video. and carry it with her a court .. since u say u are the best and nobody in your league..

  9. I wish more babymaddas could put more of de wutliss babyfadas on blast……..especially de ones dem who love fe showoff about de material tings wey dem have. My girl, you won’t be the first or last single Mother. It happens to the best of us. Been there, done that, and survived! Just continue taking good care of your son, and leave de wutliss bwoy alone to time.

  10. Good Day Met,Metters,Peepers nd Others….

    The leaf finally a rotton a the pan botton and mi luv how she dweet wid taste nuh cuss out cuss jus str8 facts unda him skin nd Moe u as a paper wife need fi tell yuh wukliss man seh him need fi be a daddy not a father

    (Simplicity soon sign in)

  11. She she she guh school fi years but when mi read her response mi nuh see dat in her writing. Anyway, 3 sides to a story.

    She sounds like a bitter woman but we know how women can be in failed relationships especially when the man has a next woman.

    Unno a talk about Mavado nuff entertainers out there worst like Beenie, Bounti, Ele, Ninja and many more.

    1. Let me respond to this, First of all, I went to school here in America for university, When you are writing a status on YOUR page or even typing anything within our Jamaican community, Who says WE have to use proper English? What does she went to school and the waste man not helping with the child has to do with one or the other? How does she sounds bitter? Did I missed something? How is she bitter when she has already moved on with her life? The entire Jamaica knows about these entertainers, The spotlight is on Movado. There is 3 side, so what is yours? You sound like you know the other side.

      1. My point exactly :ngacir2 When you see people run een on these stories and try to down the female, IT’S EITHER A WASTE MAN LIKE MOVADO OR ONE OF THE ENTERTAINER GROUPIE.

    2. Well todeh anuh nuh beenie,bounty,elephantman,ninjaman and the rest it’s abt Modiva unnno phuck luddy

      (Simplicity soom sign in)

    3. They always say a woman is bitter when she right you need to grow up !!! people like you would keep up with that man f**kery….. Smh he’s a bad father point blank you can’t go around that…..

  12. Gav shut the f**k up! Your just too hype you fi shame not Mavado! Go have a seat! Why don’t you tell everyone you was f**king a next man when you was pregnant with Mavado baby? Oh you forgot? Why unno mash up long time? Nasty little girl, what you mad about Now your next baby father run left you too? Tell the people you wicked and bad mind and you eye dem red you have bad spirits on you, demond child, you wanted to be famous so bad but it never work out for you! Calm down, calm down!

    1. CUm bloodclaat betta dan dis nuh man DNA run doah cuz xhile support in full force weh him did a bawl fi she nuh put him pon she phuck’n nuh av wan bloodclaat fi duh wid him being a full time fada is weh unno cum frm???

      (Simplicity soon sign in)

    2. Mavado sent his internet army to done Gav to rawtid. No sir, what is not this. Why unu done Gav when all she want his for Mavado to spend some time with her son.

  13. Gavesha is just mad because she is not the man wife. He takes care of his son she just want more and more and more because she’s mad he’s not with her! What an disgusting girl!

    1. If Gavesha mad for 20 year she is entitled to be upset ..Moe is a traitor so she will always feel how she feel about that situation

  14. Mavado nuh know nuttin name Loyalty. Ask Howie di taxi driver if unuh don’t believe mi. Mi sorry fi Gavesha to how she did a fight fi him!

  15. Weh dah bitch ass nigga deh up deh suh a call up Beenie n bounty name fah? Dick riding ass nigga! Batty fallara ass nigga! Luv chat an nuh know nuttn ass nigga! Hear how yuh can make self useful today, jus tell yuh waste awtis/fren seh fi mine him pickney smfh.

    1. Tru sound like didn’t same dik riding troopa n Skeng whe she call out Skeng don’t u get more dan 2000 a month from the gully rat. Troopa cum here dont u get more than 2000 a month eitha a u bend ova if do man yet or push out pickney? Skeng just a brag but how dem ticket 2 Greece las month was over 10k each n him carry gal, Troopa, gully bop one bag a careless man n dem wutless gal dem whe no wuk. Skeng n Troopa pickney a nyam off a gully god so why dem beg di gal no carry him if support. Uno 2 disgustin put dem pon blast yes.
      Dem dutty man a no real man or Fren dem waan cus the girl but not dem shithouse fren Tru dem need him first get dem money n dI leftova groupie pussy. Talk 2 Uno fren stop cuss dI girl she a defend her yute.

  16. Wait deh, how is Moe a traitor? The man been deh Wid Moe it just come out late! Man a man at the end of the day Moe win that’s all! How Gavesha get fi move out dutty 90z where she and di whole adams family did ah live? Not Mavado? Stop it man! He helps she is just bitter and she’s always been BITTER!

    1. The girl mother is a hardworking nurse that’s how they moved. 2grand anuh money a month time fi millionare movado

  17. I’ve heard their son ask Gavesha why his father don’t love him, I know she not lying but a long time she should a get on his case about being a father to his son. I mean he is 6 years old now!

  18. And boycott dem dancehall party.met u need fi put up dancehall wrost dada and best fada Map pie a 1 Paul range2 daffy money train twin dem live down the block fr him ask when last him see dem mi fren tel mi sey she ask him wha the twin dem name and him couldn’t tell r.lando big up u self lava mi rate as a fada bald head u can gwan Rico di Cuban why u go get pickny a nuh fi u.dancehall man den wrothless

  19. Ladies child support is for the child ,I read a few comments and keep hearing paying rent……that’s why the judge ask my baby mother if she never had the child if she wouldn’t live somewhere so he don’t care about that……all he cares about who gonna pay the insure,after school,daycare etc

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