Plz post this for me. I am a male and I am DISGUSTED with the way Jamaican men treat women. The level of disrespect, abuse and mysoginistic torture women face at the hands of men is revolting. Our culture is rooted in patriarchal idealism while endorsing female compliance. Men we need to hold ourselves accountable for the oppression women face at the hands of us. Black women are the most disrespected people on earth, yet we continue to perpetuate this sexist behavior, even in this era. WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED! While I don’t partake in these behavior, I am a man, so I am accountable. Men, why is it we are so threatened by female power? Why do you feel entitled to a woman’s vagina and in some case, take it by force? Why do you believe because you have a penis between your legs, it makes you better than females and should be held at a higher regard? The egomaniac arrogance men adopt is truely repulsive and detrimental to our society. All this showcases is how fragile your mahood is!–
Amen to that. All facts, we as men need to take stock of our actions so as to resocialize the next generation of men, Iron sharpens iron. The odds are already stacked against us and we are falling for the traps. The worse part of it is that men who should know and do better are taking advantage of their positions. Too many broken women by our hands as if the powers that be wasn’t enough. Then us men want “perfect” wives, well at the rate we going there will be none.
A weh this fool ya a talk say man? In all species of animals on this earth,the males are dominant. These stupid phucks make the woman them a turn them inna gal, and with that said , not for one moment am I advocating for men to abuse women.