1. Howdy do GENUINE:peluk satan himself live right inna dah big dutty yaard deh. Cause di contention is too much. Mi couldn’t watch all of it cause it mek mi head hurt me…

  1. Wow sad sad sad …everybody have a machete,wah dat breeding woman a duh a war wid dat lickle bwoy deh bout….look how much a dem before dem go run a boat a full dem belly dem a war kmt .

  2. SMFH I just couldn’t watch the entire video afraid that one of them going to get chop up… I don’t understand what the argument is about because everyone is yelling and no one can get the boys to calm down… These are babies the future and look how they starting out already… Did anyone end up getting hurt at the end I just couldn’t bare see it all… God please set your hand on that parish with those boys…

  3. The demons want blood, those are not children, those are angel of the devils fighting, they are possess. Jesus please intervene.

  4. I didn’t know what to expect next, so I stopped watching. This is a sad video. I wonder how many books those children have to read? This is beyond sad. So many machete in hands smh… I have NEVER seen anything like this before. Pickeney a raise machete after big woman and big woman look like she would a chop off him head off a him body smh

  5. Regardless ah which country dis teck sad same way. Human beings. It come in like whi descending inna madness head fuss an at full speed to rass.
    Pickney an woman wid belly, teck up machete ready fi chap each adda like ah nuh nuttin….an ova what??!! God help us.

  6. At first, I thought it was a video from JA. Then I watched the video in its entirety to identify the accent. I’m still not sure if it’s Trinidadian, Antiguan, or Guyanese. One thing mi really really sure about after watching this though, is that, a nuh Jamaicans alone gwaan wid dem kinda tings ya.

  7. Surely that doesn’t happen in Antigua. You ever hear true Antiguans name a call up in any mess like that? These children are either Haitian or are from Camaroon. They are speaking broken French nd broken English.
    Plus no road on Antigua look so underdeveloped, we don’t have perfect roads, but we don’t walk or drive in mud/ maul or whatever that is.

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