For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

One thing that exposes Christians to ridicule by unbelievers is our determination to stand on the promises of God for our lives. For us, the challenge is to know the divine destiny that has been apportioned to us and once we know that, we have a responsibility to pursue it by faith. The choices you make in life will be guided by the revelation you have of your divine destiny. For instance, there is no way you will go and sign a contract to sing as a musician with a worldly music label when you know you have been called to worship God in the church. So your friends in the neighborhood who know you can sing very well will keep pushing you to go and sign one and when they see that you are determined not to do so, they start to call you a fool with no future ambition.

But the revelation you have of your divine destiny is for an appointed time. They may see you faithfully leading worship in choir and think that you are without ambition but at God’s appointed time, the world will know you in the right way as an amazing worshipper and they will fear God because of His glory that will be revealed in your life. It doesn’t matter how many years you serve in church as an unknown worship leader, your glorious destiny will unfold.

Let me re-emphasise the fact that every Christian must have a revelation of the life that they are called to live. You cannot just live without knowing the unique reason God created you, what he created you to do, what He wants you to do and exactly how He wants you to do it. If you do not have answers to all these questions, then you need to make out time to seek God for answers. You only begin living a meaningful life when you discover your purpose for living.

Liberation thought: I am destined for greatness

Further reading: Jeremiah 1:4 – 10


God of War, let the power of witchcraft burial against my progress be nullified in the name of Jesus.
Every witchcraft verdict against my life, turn back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.


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