Evin Cosby Celebrates The Launch Of pb&Caviar

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has declined to file criminal charges against Bill Cosby after evaluating two separate allegations of sexual assault.

The first allegation involved a woman who reported that Cosby forced her to have sexual intercourse with him at a Hollywood Hills home in 1965 when she was 17 years old.

Prosecutors noted that any charges were “barred by the statute of limitations.”

The second allegation involved model Chloe Goins, who accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her at the Playboy Mansion in 2008 when she was just a teenager.

Prosecutors also cited the statute of limitations and “insufficient evidence” in declining to file charges in connection with the 2008 allegations.

Goins told investigators in January 2014 that Cosby gave her a drink and drugged her in the process. She said she passed out that night and woke up naked with Cosby performing lewd acts. Goins said she came forward after hearing about other women describing abuse by Cosby and realizing she might have a valid criminal case.

The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office said in a charge evaluation worksheet that Goins had initially reported that the incident happened at an event called Midsummer Night’s Dream Party, but she later said she was not sure if the incident happened at that event.

When investigators reviewed video from outside the Playboy Mansion during the event, neither Cosby nor Goins were seen in any of the footage.

They found evidence that Cosby was in New York the weekend that Midsummer Night’s Dream Party happened, and in addition, Cosby did not appear on any guest lists for the 56 documented events at the Playboy Mansion during the summer of 2008. The worksheet states that Cosby’s name “only showed on a guest list for one event in February.”

Investigators tried to interview Goins’ friend, but the woman “denied knowing (Goins) or having ever visited the Playboy Mansion.”

“We are satisfied that the Los Angeles D.A.’s Office fully and fairly evaluated all the facts and evidence, and came to the right conclusion,” Cosby’s attorney Chris Tayback told ABC News.

Cosby was arrested and charged with a decade-old sex crime last month in Philadelphia. The 78-year-old comedian was released on $1 million bail after answering to charges that he drugged and sexually assaulted a woman less than half his age at his suburban home.

The case marked the first time Cosby has been charged with sexual misconduct despite years of lurid allegations.

“Make no mistake: We intend to mount a vigorous defense against this unjustified charge, and we expect that Mr. Cosby will be exonerated by a court of law,” his attorney Monique Pressley said in a statement.


  1. Make them move them nastiness. Him should a poison them f**king liars. They were not rape. Bunch a liars.

  2. That lawyer of his i tho!…guilty or not guilty is an amazing Black woman…she really know fi handle dis ting!she’s a beast!

    1. Saran, me and my co workers were just speaking about her. She makes being black PROUD. Did you see the CNN interview

  3. you women are talking about how amazing this black woman is for defending a rapist. If it was a family member of yours would you be displaying these same sentiments?

    Dont get me wrong not taking away from her ability as a lawyer, but its what she is defending that has me upset.

    1. listen…she’s an attorney paid to do a job and she’s doing a damn good job…she has to do her job whether he’s guilt or not! I AM A VICTIM OF RAPE….SO MISS ME WITH THAT…I never reported it to the police…I just went to the hospital…and it was a vicious attack and to this day i don’t know who the hell did it…but what i do know is that if i wanted to report it to the police i should have did it when it happened or in a timely fashion not years later when it would be nearly impossible to prove….A LAWYER HAS TO DEFEND THEIR CLIENT TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY NO MATTER WHAT THEIR OWN OPINION MIGHT EVEN BE IF THEY CHOOSE TO DO THE JOB….EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY TO DEFEND THEM WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!SHE HAS TO DEFEND HIM REGARDLESS THAT’S HER JOB!

  4. its been 5 years since I was raped, I have learned to cope, not blame myself, deal with the anxiety i developed from it etc….i would never want to relive that shit through an everlasting ordeal like this and end up even more mentally f**ked when your decades old case gets dimissed due to lack of evidence! Did any of them even report the rape to the hospital so that there was at least documentation of this and furthermore if there is no physical evidence it becomes heresy so if you waited this long yuh still ago wait fi dem reach home to satan before dem get punish!
    ooo good morning Metty darling and all Metters!


    1. Morning OO…Sorry about your ordeal but rape should be reported and prosecuted. No man should walk free after committing such an act against a woman…However with the Cosby cases I have opted to reading only

      1. yes they should be reported MET, no man should walk free but we never know how we will deal with it unless it happens…that was my mistake to allow him to get away with it so easy…but i’m not gonna come 15 or 20 years later talking about i want justice when logically & scientifically i know there is none to be had at that point unless someone else was an actual witness….all i was saying is that he definitely made sure he got a great attorney…we are all entitled to such…i never stated my opinion on his guilt or innocence get me?

  5. :marah
    its been 5 years since I was raped, I have learned to cope, not blame myself, deal with the anxiety i developed from it etc….i would never want to relive that shit through an everlasting ordeal like this and end up even more mentally f**ked when your decades old case gets dimissed due to lack of evidence! Did any of them even report the rape to the hospital so that there was at least documentation of this and furthermore if there is no physical evidence it becomes heresy so if you waited this long yuh still ago wait fi dem reach home to satan before dem get punish!
    ooo good morning Metty darling and all Metters!

  6. So lets say Cosby was the one who raped you and because of a damn good lawyer like the one he has now he is prone to get off and nothing comes from raping you.

    I guess you will still be singing praises of how good she is and that she was paid to do a job and yes a job she could have refused.

    1. She is a good lawyer, these women are looking for a pay day, they making things look bad for a real rape victim. Ask yourself whst the hell thry doing to end up alone with a very married man?

      1. all that! please….i don’t trust Cosby or the alleged victims… dem guh to him fi something, dem just neva get weh dem expect fi get…

    2. you’re an idiot, you keep on looking past my actual point…she’s a good lawyer…no hypothetical situations here…i didn’t report what happened to the police…but i reported it to the hospital…so if i decided one day within the statute of limitations to report this to the police at least there is a rape kit available…why should i be mad that she is doing her job? Only thing similar about my situation is the rape or alleged rape factor…these women knew who committed the crime…i didn’t…they possibly had more of a chance at justice if they chose to get it then and there….how can you prove someone raped you with no evidence…just because you say so…its ridiculously hard and traumatizing….and to all who have been raped my heart goes out to them really and truly…but you being up in arms about people praising the woman for doing her job well no matter who her client is…mi nah look pan Cosby…his name call one too many times on this for there not to be some truth to it….only thing i don’t trust is the timing in this….and again my comment was about the attorney…NOT HIM…..Johnnie Cochran was an amazing defense attorney! he did his job well…but in the same breath i believe OJ was damn guilty….if you can’t get what I’m saying please refrain from talkinf to me about my rape…their rape…any rape…and this case because I only spoke of a Black woman doing her job she is paid for the way anyone should do any job they take on!
      Good day

    3. and he could of had a shitty lawyer and still win…what evidence do they have…words? the only thing they will be triumphant in is successfully ruining his career…you can’t even watch Cosby show reruns shiiiiiit!

  7. If you had read my initial comment you would have seen what I said ” Dont get me wrong not taking away from her ability as a lawyer, but its what she is defending that has me upset”

    So no need for any name calling, you still do need some therapy, because you are still very angry.

  8. Saranwrap,i admire ur strength Lil sista n u cannot mustnot be silent on matters pretaining to rape.What u are saying isn’t hearsay,u lived that horrible ordeal n it is remarkable that u have soldiered on from it n able to speak on the matter objectively n with clarity.She is an amazing lawyer even if she was defending Jack the Ripper it doesn’t devalue her competence or excellence.I get the anon’s point that it would be a dangerous slope that it is a dangerous slope when the rich n powerful can buy their brand of justice.However saranwrap u are on point in that one can clearly separate the competence of a lawyer from their client getting of unjustly or justly!

  9. :peluk thank you Yardielovethug…appreciate it…The best therapy for me is to speak openly about it…doesn’t work for everyone but for me the only way i feel better about anything is to talk about it..especially in this case because the only person who should be ashamed is the one who commits the crime! Objectivity ah mi miggle name…i pride myself in having the ability to step outside myself to look at every situation putting my personal feelings aside. I’m so happy you get what I was trying to say…i heard what Anon was saying but it’s not a realistic way of looking at this! If Cosby did exactly what these women are claiming that he did…he will get what he deserves…I am a firm believer in God. Anywho…to all rape survivors…talk up…we are survivors not victims!

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