Daily Prayer Times: 5:30am, 12noon, 6:00pm, 9:00pm
‘And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance’ (Acts 2:4
Bible Reading: Acts 2:1-4
The coming of the Holy Spirit had been foretold by Jesus as the ONE coming to take charge of the activities of the church at this time. The day of Pentecost marked the beginning of the dispensation of the Holy Ghost, which has continued until now and will continue until Jesus comes. The Holy Spirit is the third person in Trinity and He is still as relevant now as ever. The Holy Trinity comprises of God-the Father, God-the Son (Jesus) and God-the Holy Ghost. These three (3) are one. As He is being introduced to us in this lesson with a look at His relevance in these last days, may we be blessed in Jesus’ name.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What is His relevance in these last days?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is the third Person in Trinity (1 John 5:7). He is God Himself just like the Father and Son. He is a Person and not just an influence. He has a Will, Mind (Intellect) and Emotion (Feelings). He speaks, leads, guide, empowers, anoints, disciplines, can be offended and lied to (Acts 5:3, Acts 10:19-21, Hebrews 10:29, Ephesians 4:30). He is called the Comforter (John 14:16). By this, we mean He is not in any way inferior to Jesus, not less in power, personality and ability. He is the Spirit of Truth, the Testifier and the Teacher; He is the power of God; He is the revealer of the mind of God and plans for the kingdom of darkness and He is the Intercessor (John 14:26, 15:26, Romans 8:16, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 2:9-11).
What is His relevance in these last days?
As the person in charge of this era or dispensation, He is in total control of all situations. As the third Person in the Trinity, He possesses all secrets. As a Teacher, knowledge, wisdom and understanding are available from Him. He is a Controller and therefore He is an expert in comforting those that mourn and are sorrowful. He gives us the power to do the Will of God and to do exploit because He has the ability to change and transform us. He convicts us for genuine repentance (Mark 11:23, Luke 10:19, John 16:13-14, Acts 1:8, 2Kings 6:8-10).
It is the Holy Spirit alone that can sustain and see you through in this perverse and corrupt generation. As He is being introduced to you, receive Him with all your heart and with uttermost gladness. You will never regret doing so.
Who is the Holy Spirit to you?
When did the Holy Spirit take over His dispensation?
Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
Yearly Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 4-8
Fill me with the Holy spirit amen.