Oh please met u r being bias. Nothing was done to the gal face. That was her y u refused to post the other picture. I don’t like the girl she walk n f**k with people n talk bout people like a dog. SO now it’s her turn. Come on I never see u defend no body say yet. Must be ur family. Bc u r truly bias.
Below is the pic she sent that is distorted

My opinion di face look like dem tamper wid it.
It just seems like the lighting & the filter on the picture has her face looking like that. Its pregancy face. She had a big face before & now she preg its even bigger.
But sender…aren’t we all biased in some way, shape or form? We are all coming to her defense because she is pregnant and very hormonal, so her body is naturally going thru changes…sender, do us all a favor and leave her alone; she’s pregnant..I’m almost certain that she doesn’t feel like being taunted by her family members who love and care for her, much less a moron like yourself who she probably doesn’t know nor gives a fuhck about, so leave her alone, okay? :thumbup
I’m almost certain that she doesn’t feel like being taunted by her family members and friends who love and care for her during this very delicate and important stage in her life, as most pregnant women feel this way because she is bloated, swole feet, hot baby pushing down on her cervix, labor pains, etc…( sender, that’s called pregnancy you assshole…so leave her to be stress free and happy )…
Boy that look like a cartoon character. One ugly girl n its not because she is pregnant. She was alway ugly.
Person so she walk n fuxx with you ok u send a one post ok u send a two post alrite then mi can anderstandt even 3 post BUT whey di rassclattttt u send like bed bug inna piss up mattress so fah u can done man it look u make it ur job fi walk n look fi di girl kmft build a fuxxing bridge n get over it already maiiiinnnne
so da ugly yellow stay bad wig was photoshopped too? jus askin
no one said photoshop. There is blur in the middle of both photo frames
dwl CHuet u nuh easy
:peluk :peluk shani mi stay weh too long now mi cum bak ova yah luk like farrin :hammer ayeeeeeeeeeeeeee mi peoples wat a gwaaning on yah :kiss
i is ereeeeeee is is ere :kiss
miss yuh dahlin but money affi mek an di ins and outs of town but all is well :peluk
when u coming back regular regular miss u badd
Around September when it get cold and work slow…awe miss unnu to
ok mek sure
well people i know for sure the person did not do anything to the photo. i know X and said to say she had the pic up as her whatsapp profile pic. so who ever send this is must have her number and dont like her.
Obs hon mi miss u fi true true eno man hurry up n come back u hear :peluk :peluk :peluk
That was me Metsy