Ashley you want walk and f**k all the men left in New York you was with Suwaynefashion BagWhite tootall neilyflexx the big man from Brooklyn wah she call daddy and the list goes on and on and on and on

15 thoughts on “AND WHAT ELSE SENDER?

  1. Sender it sound like you did want a piece offa dem man deh too but you probably stay bad nuh bbc so none of dem never want you.

  2. she tek out di 14 parishes a ja now she donning out the 52 states what a likkle gal nave nothing bout ar she’s disgusting. Run off on her visa and lose her store she sickening

      1. Always the dumb ones that’s why their only job is to watch other women crotches. Look how long she a watchout the gyal hole from all the way a jamaica til now. Before she go let trump build back her walls smh

  3. Little gal yah dont know that these so called hot man dont want them….

    Dont know any of the other man dem but i know for a fact Neilyflexx dont want this chick. Them man yah love woman that can help them be it thief clothes, credit card scamming drive fi dem them man yah dont want no regular gal like Ashley. Just a little fff here and there.

    Just the way him use and trick kfab.. Neilyflexx just a play wid them little gal head and nah give them shit.

    Note even a little rent $$ nothing!

  4. Never heard of this Ashley before…..

    She dont look bad though!

    It look like Bagwhite just a roam the place so. Him love the little girl dem with no ambition so ………….From Shamalee to Javanna to now Ashley plus more..

    Them gal no a days have no pride, no dreams just a run down “hype man” with nothing to offer her… kmt

  5. She finally come a foreign fe watch juggist cocky what is it with this long time big married man him just love likkle gyal so and they fall for it

  6. den javana deh or sex bag white. jav how yuh love man suh. likkle girl yuh front cant cool. can somebody send in a pic with bag white, gary british and juggist. it seems like these men sleep with every cayliss gyal a whe jus come from ja to amerka. all these girls are in the same circle. thats why disease cant stop spread.

  7. Juggist issa battyman all him do is walk an sex the gal dem in a dem ass and fuck dem give dem 300 him have a wife and kids and this old man cya settle down. Years now I know this man and he the same I feel bad for star cause dog nam ur supper cause juggist married. Bag white have aids so him woman dem need to check up. Gary British have him man dem a California plus him married too and him friend get lock up way day. Gary fuck my cousin and bring her to Gucci spend 3000 pan her. These men are nasty

  8. Ashley get a man for yourself you nuh tired for man FUCK n HIDE you no man nah wife you me shame for her pretty but her pussy nuh good action speaks louder than words …little girl get a life n get a man for yourself these men only using you for a min n then them gone back to them wife where is your pride or ambition????

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