Hmid pinky Goodmorning. Wallers I just have a question. Why are men so cruel? Me and the father of my child came to the decision that I’m not going to allow my newborn to leave where I live so young to spend time with the father until he’s old enough. We agreed on it but because we had a disagreement he decided he wants the child to start spending time with him instead of coming to my home like what he was already doing. I explained to him that we already came to an agreement and I’m going by what I said before. I’m 3 weeks postpartum and can you believe I asked this man for some baby items and he told me that I should figure it out then went on to say I should get my behind up and go fend for my child. Imagine I went through so much to bring forth his child that he cried and begged for, begged me not to dash it away. I have 3rd degree tears stitches that are basically still healing and a prolapsed pumpum. I’m still sore and bleeding I cannot work right now.
The burden is on my mother she’s the one doing everything for the child and I think it’s unfair because she wasn’t the one that got me pregnant. He was doing things at first yes but it was just a one time thing. Now he’s playing the victim to make it seems as if I’m a bad person. He always plays the victim and switch everything up to make it look like I’m the big problem. He’s a narcissist and I’m fed up.
Stop worry u self the baby soon reach 6 months so u can go work, jus bear up… caz as u quint the baby turn one and a run up an down… a so most babyfather stay if the baby can stay round them, they dont want to give them nothing. So the baby nah go stay small forever, and u we soon heal up so just humble and leave it to god.
It hard
In order to fix a problem, you have to deal with the root of the problem.
In the last paragraph u wrote..only someone who has survived a narcissist will understand it. Playing the victim card, it’s what they do with such skill. Lots of people throw around the word narcissist but few understand the depths of it. It’s a lot deeper than people being full of themselves, trust me.
If he really is one, try know ur not dealing with anything normal. Their line of thinking defies logic, but’s it how they are. These people do nothing but leave a trail of destruction in the lives of people who don’t know what they are up against.
But there is hope. There are great resources avail online to help you understand what is going on and what you can do to help urself. Bcuz if you follow a narcissist the time they finish with you, you won’t know who you are anymore.
There are countless videos(if you don’t want to read)breaking down narcissism. I personally like Dr. Ramani and Dr. Les Carter. Maybe by watching you can educate urself to determine if you are really dealing with one and what to expect.
Gaslighting, Invalidating, Love Bombing, Discarding, Future faking and more.
Watch, listen, learn.