
BBB Accreditation
KA’OIR Cosmetics is not BBB Accredited.

Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.

To be accredited by BBB, a business must apply for accreditation and BBB must determine that the business meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses must pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.
Reason for Rating
BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.

Factors that lowered KA’OIR Cosmetics’ rating include:

28 complaints filed against business
Failure to respond to 26 complaints filed against business.
Business has failed to resolve underlying cause(s) of a pattern of complaints.
BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business. BBB made two or more requests for background information from the business. BBB has not received a response from this business and/or has not been able to verify information received from this business.
BBB does not have sufficient information to determine size of business. BBB evaluation of business is based on rating formula’s smallest size classification.
Customer Complaints Summary
28 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 28 closed in last 12 monthsComplaint Type Total Closed Complaints
Advertising / Sales Issues 1
Delivery Issues 17
Problems with Product / Service 10
Billing / Collection Issues 0
Guarantee / Warranty Issues 0
Total Closed Complaints 28

Additional Complaint Information

Our file contains a pattern of complaints from consumers who allege they did not receive products ordered on KA’OIR Cosmetics’ website. These consumers go on to say that their credit cards are charged the same day of the order and they receive a shipping confirmation but the purchase never comes.

KA’OIR Cosmetics has not yet responded to these consumer complaints.

On, January 25, 2013, BBB sent correspondence to KA’OIR Cosmetics requesting their voluntary cooperation in resolving complaints on file with BBB and providing steps it will implement to eliminate the pattern of customer complaints; however, as of today BBB has not received a response from the company.

Complaint Details | Definitions | BBB Complaint Process | File a Complaint
Government Actions


  1. Good Morning Met & Metters!

    Ah mussi one ah Gucci woman dem or who so ever never get dem products dem send this in!

    Mi gi her credit seh she ah try & start ah ting – mi respect her hustle, it is a legitimate hustle & mi nah knock her inna di least BUT (there always has to be a “but” DWL) mi personally nuh waan try dem lipstick & make-up products cuz who knows if it all been tested properly, mi have sensitive skin & mi just trust product whe mi KNOW bout cuz mi nuh need no allergic reaction ESPECIALLY pon mi face!

    Mi sister is an NP & tell mi how one girl did almost blind cuz she get something called (something like – don’t quote me) “contact dermatitis” from di fake MAC eye shadow products dem love sell pon street. PLUS dem people whe sell make-up will buy di make-up cheap, wholesale from China & re-package it & you KNOW how di Chiney dem LOVE put metal & lead inna dem tings! Mi nuh want no lead pon MY FACE!

    So Keyshia mi nah knock yuh hustle, mi respect it, mi love & respect EVERY Jamaican whe ah try do ah LEGAL ting fi eat & support themself & dem family! Hopefully when yuh product is more established & proven to be safe then mi will support it too but until then, mi will stick with wha mi know & trust.

    1. I’ve ordered her product for me and as gifts…never had any issues with charge or delivery.

      I’ve had contact dermatitis and guess where I got that ish?? In Sephora trying on their damn mineral what de hell eva. It was nasty and it cause me to take Benadryl and STEROIDS fi de first time in my life. I knew I shouldn’t have went there with my sensitive ass skin…once that brush hit my face I was done for lololol de eye whey de brush push pon de most was the one we swell de most.

      De contact dermatitis either came from the brush or the makeup from all that dipping into. I bathe in Dettol at least 3xs a week and use olive oil and I haven’t had an issue with Ka’Oir lipstick or license MAC as I would with anything else.

  2. I bought a few of her lipsticks and lipgloss never had a problem still. But I must say as soon as yuh click complete purchase di money come off a yuh card quick quick fi choo. Lol!

  3. Blue yellow green lipstick is for clowns .. I don’t know who really came up with this pathetic idea ! What’s next? Blue blush green blush ? Yellow foundation? Come on man! This is all the way ghetto for me!

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