My fiance and i was keeping a fish fry when cops approached saying that a structure he built outside with plyboard was not acceptable. However they told him to take it down… He said ok officer and said the guy who built it is right around the back so he moved off to get him as he turned and called him they started kicking down the structure and he stood watching after it got unbearable he asked why they doing that and the guy is going to take it down. So they said they aint waiting on anyone and an arugement developed. My boyfriend said, ”you can’t treat me like the chiney”, and walked off. And thats when one of the officer said “hey boy who is you mek me show yuh something”. Thats when they started force entry. So basically they were trying to get in I was standing there asking is this is a fight or an arrest and he began sayin gyal move etc open the gate and thats what took place.

6 thoughts on “BEATEN BY JCF

  1. I need to hear the other side before i say anything because sometimes people nuh tell the full hundred. However if u livevin built up areas dont keep fish fry or those things and have a lot of persons coming by. The correct thing is to rent a resturant or ask them to use their facility n distribute the food. From once u keep fish fry at ur house people gonna bad mind u, or call police on u n that is a fact. Worst if a portmore house where u bedroom is in ur neighbour room too.

  2. I agree with the police, kick the illegal structure down. How the hell can someone install these shops/structures in front of their homes, all over Jamaica, in a residential area? Is time these structures are demolished, no question ask! No permission was granted to these homeowners to erect these illegal shithouse, so why must the police wait to tear them down?

  3. Your man mouthed off and splurt and you turn door stoppa? Then you had an illegal eyesore of a contraption strong enough to get kicked apart.Ok. The cops had zero reasons to come your way that day. Next time don’t block the way :travel

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