Article updated: It was an attempted robbery where Mr. Letman was said to have fired at a man who tried to rob him
Metty morning, mi just hear seh dem just shot and killed Christopher Martin’s Manager, Lydon Letman a.k.a (Kingy) @ Duhaney Park. Not sure if thats d correct spelling for his name, not sure of the circumstances surrounding his death though
oh my God
i hope this is not true
Kingy is such a good man
No its not true Met… some attempted robbery and he defended himself he’s ok
ok good good
God bless you Kingy
yea chris havent post ating since yesideh nd de babymada she ova deh a jump fi joy just a reack 100k followers …side yeye fi she nd de baby weh she still a hide weh a run more dan walk kmt
Hw she reach inna dis ?? Nd what if she doe want to post pictures on social media of her child ?? So f**kin dumb