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Chronixx says he is prepared to be judged after he came under harsh criticisms on social media following a post on Instagram yesterday, regarding the United States (US) criminal record of National Hero Marcus Garvey.

The outspoken reggae artiste criticised the fact that Jamaicans were glorifying a ‘waste man’, while Garvey, who he says “paved a peaceful and safe path for the US President to address us”, still has a criminal record in that country.

His post was made on the second day of US President Barack Obama’s visit to Jamaica.

He captioned a photo of Garvey: “This man…Still have a criminal record in The United States and we glorifying some waste man!”

The Dread and Terrible artiste continued to refer to the black race as a “race of good for nothings”, adding “that’s why black faces don’t mean anything to Rasta anymore”.

His comments caused fans to erupt on Facebook and Instagram, chastising the artiste for being “disrespectful and out of line”. Others were shocked and disappointed, saying they never expected such a post from Chronixx.

He has since removed the post from Instagram, replacing it with one inferring that he is prepared to be judged for his opinion.

Accompanying a photo of Garvey, he wrote: “Evolution time now. After all the talk…judge and you shall be judged my elders say. I don’t mind the judgement of any Human family. I expect to be judged and told when I’m wrong…that’s actually a very healthy thing for me.”

The post continued to direct comments at the media, adding that: “The media will take it from here, twist it in the best interest of their “story”. And the struggle continues. Let jah be praised in all things. I read all the comments and now I see who is who! Love.”

As for the works of Garvey, Chronixx said: “May the teachings of our beloved Marcus Garvey forever take root in our hearts. May the leaders of today take counsel in his divine teachings. May our leaders of tomorrow reap the fruits of his timeless works.”

The artiste has previously spoken out on controversial issues concerning the Jamaican Government and ministers specifically. In one of his recent statements he chastised Youth and Culture Minister Lisa Hanna on her performance in the ministry.


  1. This dude is really narcissistic LOL. He said “Evolution time now” as if. Mr. Chronix Sir? Please do yourself a favor, show us the people how true you are and give back the “Waste Man” country back Their visa. We suffer enough racism as black people and this “Waste Man” has done so much to get this “Waste Country” out of recession, yet he has been chastised and ridiculed by White folks enough! Look how many president that came before him? Why didn’t you take the pardoning of Marcus Garvey up with Bush? I hope the media gives you the attention you were seeking *attention whore much?*.

    1. another house slave still don’t get the point. chronixx is looking out for the yuthes n trying to finds solution. He has been proven to put in the work with the younger generation. whats your solutions to the violence in the yuthes? he is asking the clear wrongs stories about the heroes? how a black president could say to clear Garvys name will cost too much clear to but send kids to is school with his name? waste black man dat fi real

      1. This house slave don’t give a dorn about You or Chronixx teachings, Seems like you are fully up chronixx ass. Chronixx would never get a dollar from this yah slave ever, He was disrespectful and there were other ways of doing or saying what he Thinks is true. Hail Selassie was a house slave so why can’t I be one?

  2. All the talk him talk I still dont see chronixx doing anything for jamaica he did a tour in jamaica n jamaican still had to pay cash to see him perform so with all that is said and done he is bashing a next man which in fact he himself havent done shit….next thing how getting rid of a man that dead and gone yeara ago criminal record is going to do anything for jamaica kmt

  3. There is free speech and then there is responsible speech—I support Chronixx’s stance as it relates to sanitizing Garvey’s criminal record; however, I find his Obama—intimated—commentary to be reckless and disrespectful.

    Black people are not monolithic in thoughts and actions and Chronixx statements—a judgment against himself too—are again reckless, generalized and out of place: “race of good for nothings,” and “that’s why black faces don’t mean anything to Rasta anymore.” Though I admonish him, I commend him for starting a necessary debate.

    Garvey might not mean much to some but to those whom he is meaningful, it is imperative that Garvey’s are corrected to reflect his victimization—especially by the hands of J Edgar Hover and the FBI. Such a request is not so unusual and I don’t know if others have agitated for a cleansed Garvey criminal record in the past, but I identify with such a cause. Less important but more connected individuals are granted clemency, pardons and have their records expunged all the time.

    Chronixx might seem abrasive; however, he means good. He is young, vibrant and is human—meaning that just like the rest of us, he will make mistakes and that is the beauty of it all. He is not impervious to our human flaws/limitations, but I expect him to live and learn to be more polished when deemed necessary.

    1. Lali I dont think the U.S go ever clear him record and u know why…even though they used a lie to ”stop” him, they saw him as a threat to security which may or may not be an elaboration of what he stood a sense its the same thing they did to Buju..they can’t get u one way they will get you the next so to them there is justification..And I say this based on more reading that I have been doing this morning

  4. I’m all for a worthy cause but in NO KNOWN OR RECORDED situation has a raging bull step into China store n was able to make his purchase n leave said store intact there are ways to doing things n to call Obama a waste man was wayyyy out of line Chronixx ur delivery was WRONG

  5. Met, I agree with you, to redeem Garvey is tantamount to accusing the US government of being unjust in their actions against Garvey. Legal ramifications alone will make it so that Garvey’s records never get expunged or modified to reflect his innocence…

  6. The NAACP was against Garvey as the early W.E.B. Du Bois did not like Garvey’s philosophy as it relates to the back to Africa movement. After all, Garveyites challenged the relevance and the need for the NAACP…

    1. The NAACP is funded by whites and controlled by them. It was created to uphold the facade that blacks could advocate justice for themselves ..which is not so.. The NAACP has been around for so long even in the time of segregation and they could not even bring blacks together to advocate no their own behalf. It was happening then and is happening now, therefore the NAACP is just another infiltrator . How Garvey a one man army mek so much strides that the U.S government get scared? His method was a small part and his influence to a greater extent but he wanted betterment for blacks..claim..status and a cause..What is the NAACP’s mission ?

  7. Rastafarians most of them are confused they worship hails selassie , who was a thief! He’s right to say black faces dnt matter to rasta cause 90% of them if you not of light complexion or white they dnt want you, chronixx girlfriend is in fact white, they act like they strictly roots! But them worse than a bald head

    1. Wat u say bout chronixx girlfriend what color she be lmaooooooooooo if I laff tidday come here Kalai wooooooooiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee nothing caaaaaa go so bredda

    2. Not only Selassie was a thief, He was indeed a fraud. Met need to do a section on this man and His offspring. Take a look at His grandson, He does not depicts anything that says Rasta.

  8. Listen, if Chronixx believe that which he has uttered, he is as harmful to us and possibly worst than than racist white people are to us… Met indeed–the NAACP with always about the black man modeling himself to be like whites. Du Bois and the so-called Jewish co-founders of the NAACP did not subscribe to black pride in its truest sense.

    Du Bois eventually came to his but the NAACP legacy is a function of uselessness. boule society types who don’t care about true black causes…

  9. His girlfriend is a Rastafarian very light lskinned, looks mixed they preach to love natural beauty and the love for black women,yet how many of them go wth a pure black woman!they don’t practice what they preach!i haven’t seen king chronixx do any free concerts in his country land, does he do what shaggy does on a yearly basis to bennifit the needy? They are quick to shout jah rastafari! But they are fake behind curtains


  11. Kalei why should it matter if Chronixx is dating a lighter skinned black or mixed woman? Are you contending that he loathe darker skinned women because his girl is not as dark as him? The same was said of the half white Bob Marley when was dating Jr. Gong’s mother. There is no empirical data to show that this man does not like what you regard as pure black woman.

    By the way, what is a pure black woman? Your–as you’ve intimated–notion that you can’t be natural because you are not of the darkest of hue is asinine. Harry Belafonte has done a great deal in the areas of championing the black cause and his wife is hyper-white; how has such affected him being black and championing black causes?

    I am waiting on your justification for labeling Haile Selassie as a thief.

  12. If in fact true,the same hypocrisy he was attempting to call Pres Obama on he himself perpetuates.You can’t be for the black cause and then get a European trophy wife,likewise Pres Obama says he wants to build relationships and communities and yet still during his 2 terms as President,more people have been deported than under any other President EVER.Mostly from communities of color,affecting the family dynamics for only minor offenses.

  13. uno can tan dey stay dey a chat bout black and white or wrong and right,,
    Imagine Coco T dem wha a big big rastaman fi how much thousand year come sing a son a endorse the Great President and dis bwoy wha can’t piss tr88 a style di man as bad as SIZZLA IS HIM SING A SONG A BIG UP OBAMA AND U A DIS THE BIG MAN..
    Eye water fall like rain yute jah know yuh should not do it..
    U claim to follow the teachings of Selassie but yet still lack DIPLOMACY!

  14. Think before you take to social media because you look to undermine everything you claim to stand for. Consider these four points.

    1: The addressing of a President as a ‘waste man’ is disrespectful, regardless of the country of his presidency. Calling any man ” waste man” that is disrespectful. You are always the one talking about respecting another man and all these ‘conscious’ talks in your music. Calling us your fan and fellow Jamaicans that helped to build you a ‘good for nothing people” is surely a demonstration of DIATRIBE, that the great Marcus fought against and an insult to us! You threw dirty water in our faces. Nothing is wrong with voicing one’s opinion but do so by being constructive rather than destructive! You ave seem to disrespect the same people that built you. Be careful, many GREATS have fallen! be careful of your ego tripping behaviour! Your display of ignorance and DIATRIBE is surely what he great Marcus Garvey fought against! You are tearing down your own people!

    2: I would like to know if you or your friends sent requests for Obama to give Marcus a Presidential pardon instead of sending such ignorant comments on Instagram. ‘Get up, stand up, stand up for YOUR rights’. Do something, or keep quiet.

    3. Obama took an oath to help America, that’s what he’s in office for, not to solve all of black people’s problems. For him to just visit Jamaica and for our youths to see a black president (product of civil war and Garvey’s work) should be inspirational in itself, and yes, RECOGNIZED. “We see you too Chronixx, it’s ok”

    4: you state that ‘Rasta don’t trust black faces’?? Really? You don’t trust your fans? More importantly, you don’t trust yourself? What do you see when you look in the mirror? It’s a black face. The man you are defending (Marcus Garvey) would never say that about our people, in my opinion. You just lost a fan to your arrogance Chronixx.

    You’ve disgraced Marcus Garvey, his work, and our Jamaican people with your words. Sad…

  15. the most egregious part fi mean and the part bout “race of good for nothing” and rasta dont care about black faces not even care bout the waste man statement…that f**k up bredda career ago dun.

  16. Look lali, I mentioned his girls skin tone, because he referred to blacks as having no meaning to the rasta man!im a very busy person dnt wait for me to tell you why haile is a or was a crook, only ones that worshiped him are Jamaican rastafari, if u live in a multicultural city next time u see a etheopian ask them about haile! Bye gotta get back to work.

  17. [okro tee!] If the US were to be as petty as Chronixx, his scading remark of Obama, would make it so that he does not set another foot in the United States… Chronixx issue to do with his exposure which is ironic and contradictory. After is first international trip, he outlined how much he had learned; however, since then, he seem to have digressed.

    [Kalei] Don’t come on here accusing Haile Selassie of being a thief and then tell me that I should go and do my research–validate your accusations. I will address the so-called rasta worship at a later time. Also, I don’t need to go to no multi-cultural city and solicit no Ethiopian. My children are half Ethiopians as their mother is Ethiopian–I know countless Ethiopians as I have lived amongst them for the majority of my life. As with Chronixx, your callous and you need to state why you are of the opinion that the great man was a thief…

    Black face don’t mean dark skinned black people–Chronixx is talking about all black people. Inclusive the lightest of hue. Chronixx is damn well out of order for making such a statement and I leave him to time. His fame has gotten to him. He makes most of his money in Europe singing to white people about his love for the black cause and seemingly, he has lost sight of reality.

    Chronixx need to apologize to all black people and even then, I think he has lost a lot of support forever. Since he does not trust black faces, does he trust white faces? I am going to go out on a limb and state that Chronixx meant to say that not all black people are for the cause.

  18. I’m married to an Ethiopian and majority of them are orthadox christians as was Selasse, shashamane is really the only area you’ll find a salasse following as that’s the part of the land he offered Jamaicans who went back many yrs ago. I don’t agree Salasse was a theif but he was not far different from other rulers before and after him in how he treated his people for e.g. when pnp in power they tend to look out for pnp same as jlp it’s the same way Selasse would treat the people of his tribe or party, yes they had party so when mengistu who was born in the palace treated like a son, he actually raised and sent to school was well traveled learned different languages then returned and became a Cornell of Selasse army formed a coup against selasse with his own party called Derg, since Selasse was old was becoming senile and was said to be too friendly with europeans because he wanted to advance his country was killed and every party after him has done the same look out for their tribe(party), I know because my husband’s father was also a cornell for selasse and mengistu, when selasse was murdered buried in his office later removed and reburied in the orthodox church.I respect Selasse as he was a black king an Emporer who was respected by many rulers, he was wise and loved by some but in my search he was not a savior (God), he was asked that and he himself said no,there is no proof to his linage not in the hieroglyphics not the old testament and certainly not in any samarian writings little hint why it’s difficult to find proof of lineage, Ethiopians like the bible dont carry a family name (last name) usually is their father or grandfather’s first name that becomes the child’s last name, when the rastafarian movement came about it was because every other nation had gods and it seems most including Jesus belong to the white man so there had to be a creator for the black man. As an emperor there has not been any documentation just a claim of a offspring between sheba and solomon. Chronixx I love your music and the inspiration, I admire the rastafarian movement for the positive messages I know you’re young but I was dissapointed to see you are like most famous rastafarians you preach love of blackness but you don’t truly love it selflessly, no race is perfect Marcus understood that we the black faces had no help but ourselves so we can’t uplift by being our own enimies and nay sayers ironically Obama is both black and white like the Marley kids those kind usually stand in the middle an take advantage of the oppotunities of the white side with the support of the black side so you might say the way to over come is to not mix and cause confusion because its not fair for a man to fight with half of who he is. and true enough most of the women rasta go for are not 100% black even less than that hardly ever a jamaican woman but to each his own as I have a Ethiopian husband because most Jamaican men have no self control, lack loyalty in a 2 cents

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