0 thoughts on “COX MAN HECTOR

  1. Gm mums,sor you been on pink wall so stfu.You know what jmg is about.By the way is who you anyway? Never heard of you Till now!

  2. Hector has left the bottom feeding position in the GT community and is now vying for recognition amoung the Jamaican nightlifers. A sad case of a wo(man)

  3. Hector just keep doing what u do best :lapar :lapar Eat pssy well lick out asshole . Guyanese bulla :thumbup :2thumbup

  4. Suh a guess him in diz wurl cuz things was 50c cheaper or less back then too…Suh a buy him buy all a fi him women dem…ole tuff bwaay..not errybody is for sale, no man can’t buy mi and could nevah buy mi dear maddah caz wi cut from a diffrant klauth suh u can gwan buy who u want to buy for a dime a dozen, sweaty and frownzy nuh pussjuke…Certain man all when dem covah from head to toe innah diamond, silvah and gold dem still nah seh a ting, u a one a dem man, God bless di few wah pay u attention caz u haffi pay fi it…dyam bright and oooooo, mi say it to u face old short tuff turbit, roadkill breath!!

  5. Him too nuff & belived every woman in dancehall want him. A tell u if this kingfish have Aids most of these regular dancehall woman get a touch of it from him lawyer Hector … Big fish Hector with scale & fins .

  6. Hectorzzzz u fb picta a beat mi bad…a long time u did wa read bout yuh self pon d pinkwall…congrats today izzz ur day :iloveindonesia :iloveindonesia :iloveindonesia :iloveindonesia yuh next dance u a keep is called batty ridda vs pum pum which one u gonna wear

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