All di way pan Lipstick alley this reach smaddy dash it up…so credit a sell.daffy name a call… pineapple seh she doe sell to who she doe know and bay tings….Rich people ting :nerd










  1. Look at malika China homeless sister right in the mix smh, this is why you homeless and sleeping on ppl floor in the projects, when you should of bin minding your own business like your rent and bills you stay busy in ppls business now you homeless and have juggis using you to transport money. On ig having photo shoot in the ppl hotel like you on vacation when is drug work you doing. Get your priorities straight your own cousin kena keep talking that your son is tired of ppl floor

        1. they talkin bout batty man daffy @sisstttaaprettilike He is @mrs_dicepineapple best friend is not robbers husband they talkin bout .. they talkin bout the crossdresseer transgender gender confused batty man ..him

  2. What kind of Blank Card? I don’t get it. You mean credit cards? Puppah Jesus. This is why I have Credit watch! Mek one a dem eva try. KMT.

    1. Not credit cards.. they steal clothing or cosmetics lets say from Sephora they will steal 1000$ worth of make up justa bunch of shit nothing in particular .. they will get someone to return it and they will get store credit of $1000 put on the sephora gift card .. then they sell the card to a person for 50% of the balance so the person would pay them $500 for $1000 worth of sephora credit…. same with Vic secret .. Express.. TJMAX … & homegoods apparently lmfao just to name a few stores that they frequent.

      Same with clothing they will steal from amaerican apparel or topshop and you pay them half of what the stuff really cost tahts how it goes with these damn thieving bitches

          1. That was evil , mi glad wicked explain it because mi never know either smh all dem things deh now

          2. met dem too evil because they know the customers cant go to the cops .. both ways its illegal smfh

  3. Dem people really deh pon social network bout credit card and who the fuk wit and etc… Lol I believe ms dice just implament her self to selling gift cards dam, I will jus smh my head and smile with the feds. I’m done,girl bye, I will be reading about you soon

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