INFORMATION reaching our newsroom is that the body of a man has been found in some bushes in Las Lomas No. 2. Police said the body was discovered by passersby and a report was made.

Police and the district medical officer are at this time at the scene and confirmed that it is that of Sheldon Sukhdeo, wearing a black three-quarter pants and a black t-shirt. The partially decomposed body was found in the bushy area at about 1.10 pm.

They believe the body was dumped about two days ago.

Sukhdeo, 32, who was kidnapped late last year by armed men clad in what appeared to be police garb.

On the morning of December 16, Sukhdeo was driving his sedan in the company of three Venezuelan nationals when a black SUV with flashing blue lights forced him to park on the shoulder of the highway.

Armed men then bundled Sukhdeo into the SUV which sped off. A ransom demand was later made. Sukhdeo is the brother of murdered central Trinidad auto parts dealer Sheron Sukhdeo.

2 Hrs Ago

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  1. He should have stayed put in South America. Rachel better stay put where she at before they grab her or her children next. This sounds like a different group of killers, with a different motive than that of Sheron’s killers.

  2. I’m not surprised in the least. They not playing down home at all not one of them is safe as to how thing playing out.

  3. … answer me this! where are all the so called police & government officials that sharon had in his pocket? why aren’t they making any attempt to protect the family now? bluntly you are saying now, it was all about the money when sheron was,and nothing to do with respect, loyalty or even ratings, that why I keep schooling people that in this materialist age,money only empowers you as such and nothing else, it can never buy love, like, loyalty, respect etc.

  4. This family is curse. After sheron’s death, he wanted to take over the business. Now, he’dead.i hope Rachel move outta trini.

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