But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

People now live through their days in a hurry. They wake up early in the morning, hurriedly prepare and hurry out to catch up with the day’s business. They hurry through work that has to be done, hurriedly get something to eat and hurry back home to catch some sleep and wake up early for the next day. Hurry to buy a new car. Hurry to build a new house and hurry to get married and start a family. These are the days when people combine career, business, spiritual and family life together. They split the 24 hours they have each day between all these responsibilities and anxiously expect to achieve good results in every single one of them. So they are perpetually tired; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Thus they resort to other means of coping with the stress. Those who can afford it take performance and mood enhancing drugs like cocaine to keep their energy levels up and escape sadness and anxiety. Others like the area boy hustling in the streets end up smoking Indian hemp and drinking all manner of local gins to keep themselves going.The bible says that they that wait on the Lord find new strength. If you want to be strong and successful, you have to first of all learn how to wait on the Lord. To wait on God means to hope and depend on Him for all the things you need; you cannot wait on God and be in a hurry to do things and see results.

The great King Saul was rejected by God because he was in a hurry, he could not wait for the prophet Samuel to come and offer the sacrifice. That is the story of many people today who have compromised their destinies because they are in a hurry to see things happen. They took off in a hurry and when the winds of challenges blew against them, they crashed landed before reaching their destination. The eagle is the only bird that is known to soar against any kind of wind; the eagle does not get swept down by the wind. If you have come to a point in your journey where you are tired and weak, you must take time to wait on the Lord so that your strength will be renewed.

Liberation thought: My soul waits for You O Lord.

Further reading: 1Samuel 13:1 – 14


Let every satanic strategy that is conceived to delay my prosperity be rendered ineffective, in the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost Fire, consume every satanic resistance to my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
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