Hello Pinky Gm, even though this is a fake page HMID please… I have been wanting to share my story for some time now it’s a very long story but I will try to make it as short as possible. I’ve been this this guy for 8 years love this man to death enuh, the relationship wasn’t perfect but we were trying. This man had two kids at the time but In the early start of our relationship he cheated on me and got another girl pregnant so now he has 3 kids and all 3 are different baby mothers 🤦🏽♀️ He use to constantly cheat on me behind my back and I kept finding out and because I love him I still stayed with him. At one point it seemed as if he stopped cheating and it was just us, he always tells me that he loves me etc a lot of times I tried to leave the relationship but to how him mouth sweet him always get me back. The relationship was toxic to begin with but it started to get verrrryyyy toxic when I migrated. He came to visit me a few times and each time he came to visit something
happens. The first time he came we got into an argument and he ended up cheating on me with his last baby mom, the second time he came we got into another argument I went to spend the night at my girlfriend’s house to cool off but he went out with his friends to a party and met another girl. I forgot to mention that the first time he came to visit me he ended up giving me herpes and he doesn’t even know who he got it from (possibly the last baby mom)… when I found out I cried for months on top of months. Anyways I still stayed with him. Back to the current situation now the girl he met at the party he told me he doesn’t want her etc he was only trying to use her for a green card. When I tried to cut him off he would call me from different numbers and each time I would block the numbers he started to show up at my house and told me he loves me and can’t do without me he was even fake crying through all of it. I believed him and took him back again. Anyways he still kept talking to
To the girl he met at the party. She started flying back and forth to visit him etc… he never told her about him having herpes. Anyways fast forward him start getting very disrespectful my feelings started to get hurt very badly. I ended up telling the girl about the herpes situation and he told her that I am the one who gave it to him ( bare in mind he was the only one I was having sex with for years so I am sure he gave it to me) The girl still stayed with him they are practically together right now but he kept calling me tryna tell me how he still loves me etc but I know he doesn’t love me at least not anymore. He used me until he found someone else to move on with while I am here all alone feeling betrayed, used, abused all because I put all my eggs in one basket. God showed me signs over and over that this man wasn’t the one for me but because of love I was a fool for him 😓 I had two miscarriages for this man because of how he used to stress me out. Am trying to move on and
Heal but all I can think about is how he used me , gave me an Std for life , abused me and now left me for someone else. I am so hurt and angry but I can only be angry at myself for not leaving at the first red flag. This man has been trying to get back with me but I know for sure this time I can’t take him back my ego won’t let me. I am ashamed , humiliated I can’t even find the words to describe how I feel. I have been crying for the last 5 months now, I have a lot of sleepless nights and nightmares about the whole situation. I am at the point where I need to seek a therapist. I know a lot of people will bash me because this is my fault I should’ve left longtime ago but love will make u do stupid things. Please I need some help/advice.
Nuh sense yuh nav mad gyal.
Well Try To Find The courage And Stay Away From That Man Because He Have Out You Through A Whole Lot Of Rubbish ♀️ only Because Of Love Just Focus On Your Self And Try And Find A Therapist As Soon As Possible
I am really sorry to hear about what happened. Please seek professional help and remember to pray. Even though Herpes is incurable, I hope that you will find peace soon.
Sender you can DM if u wanna talk or a shoulder to cry on . I understand you pain and everything you have been facing chin up queen you got this. Let pinky send u my email if u wanna chat #AmAFemaleBtw #AGreatMomAndListener
mmmm… Why do i think i know you? Did the girl end up marrying to the man and have children? Do you also have a child for the man? If so this man does not want you. He uses you for his pleasure because of your low self esteem. I dont think he even wants the wife or the baby mothers. He is a narcissist but as someone who knows him very well you are the last on his list he just like to toy with you and collect children and women as status symbols so he can boast. I wish you well; I hope you all find Great men. I am his friend but would never sleep nor get into a relationship with him. Good luck my darling.
I think I know your friend too. He definitely is a narcissist so have some sympathy on his victim your friend needs help. You are correct he goes around collecting babies and women for status, fake love them then replace them. I feel sorry for narcissist people because their souls are empty they are unhappy people. Rejection kills them because they love attention.
Love doesn’t make you do stupid things, it’s lack of self love, self respect, and a low self esteem that does. I won’t chastise you, but I do hope that you permanently get rid of this toxic man.
U a dummy my girl get some self esteem stupid u cause this on yourself it was only a matter a time
This is so sad Love Makes You Blind So Anything The Person Said You Will Always Go Back Because You Found Comfort In That Person Even IF The Relationship Was Toxic.. I Really Hope You Seek Help.. Remember God Is Always Watching So Your Ex Will Get What He Deserves Very Soon
If you want to talk am here sender
Sigh. Yes hun seek a therapist,just take care of yourself don’t go back to him cause a might hiv him come give u next.
Don’t worry what other people think. You will overcome
Can never comprehend how a woman knows a man is a serial cheater, yet have unprotected sex with him. Despite everything, you have protected yourself from the get go. Could have been worse, he could have given you HIV. BTW, this guy appears to be a big loser and a user. Did he have a job over the years or he just live off women?
No darling I won’t bash you, I was in a similar situation, you are trauma bonded and is addicted to this narcissistic person. What will heal you is learning about a narcissist abuse go on YouTube and quora ask questions, alot of people are being abuse by narcissist and we over look it. Alot of jamaican man are narcissistic and we don’t call them out on their behavior. You have to cut this person out your life block and delete them.a person that will bash you don’t understand. only when someone else is with a narcissist and experience the same will understand. I was made to be crazy when I tell my story because the person was a loving conartist to people in public. I wish you nothing but healing and happiness from here on. Just for the record a narcissist person can never love anyone they are good at faking love to use you as a doormat for what ever reason, you keep allowing him back. Block him.
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Good one
Sender mi can’t judge u, at least no one is perfect, it happens to the best of us. Just do what is right for u, you’re the only one that went through the ordeals with this man. Most times we as women lower our standards for love and then these bastards take us for granted.
So it go whan u in love
Rock stone sender. ..
We live and we learn sender. Chin up.