A Jamaican dancehall reggae star was convicted in New Jersey today for his role in an international drug ring that shipped “multiple kilograms” of cocaine from California to New Jersey and Philadelphia.
Andrew K. Davis, also known as “Flippa Mafia,” “Flippa Mogella” and “The Flossing King,” was found guilty in Camden County Superior Court of first-degree distribution of cocaine, money laundering and related counts.
Davis, a former resident of Swedesboro, N.J., was the alleged mastermind behind the international coke distribution network that included five South Jersey men, two men from Philadelphia, and Davis’ two brothers.
The investigation began in March 2011, when agents from the Camden High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force and the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office seized eight kilograms of cocaine from a mail facility in Marlton intended for the reggae star and co-defendent Marsha Bernard, of Cherry Hill.
Bernard, 34, also was convicted of first-degree distribution of cocaine, second-degree money laundering,
In the course of the investigation – dubbed “Operation Next Day Air” — detectives also seized more than 26 kilograms of cocaine, worth nearly $1 million, two handguns, and more than $500,000 in cash.
According to Jamaican reports, Davis claimed the money had been generated by a banquet hall and nightclub in Philadelphia.
No surprise here…the longest sentence handed down to one of the men involved was 16 years so Flippa can expect bout 30…with Marsha who knows bc ppl say she got a deal.
Ms. Ride or Die 😀
The news not even give her common-law or babymother title to rass! when sentence pass down she’ll be in prison by herself while her children de a road (I hope they’ll be treated good). Me nah ride or die fi NO greedy ass drugs man, worst when kids are in the mix!
I suspect that he knew his ass was being monitored and him go yard and left the crosses pon everybody else.
The court a play poetic justice by totaling their bail to the amount of money recovered and totaling out at the 26 kilo of coke. Each sentence may fall into the 25+
Good day Met & metters. This is a warning to all in the trade. Beware the ABC boys are watching and waiting for the right time to pounce on you. Will miss your antics Flippa but me still can’t believe you did so fool fool; you draw attention to youself mayne
suh a how much time was handed down to them both maybe marsha she get 5-8 years like the mendeeecees cute from love and hip hop but i bet flip him get more than 25 don’t know why him neva just cut a deal..any weh a Jamaica Sidonne deh she a give God all the praise around her dawta and living free
Smh from your codefendents took a plea you automatically became guilty suh why you tek it to trial bwoy both of your lives done
Good point. The wife was caught red handed, so I’m at a lost as to why she did not take the plea. She will get at least 15 if she is lucky, since she was viewed as being equal to Flippa. Flippa will get at least 35-years given the amount of coke they were transporting. I wonder if any of the other defendants gave testimony at these two?
She’s no damn wife! Me sure she all a regret being involved with his ass knowing she leaving freedom behind with innocent and helpless souls in this harsh world.
I guess Flippa was confident he would of found not guilty, hence the reason he didn’t plead guilty and make a deal. No man, and i mean man, can get me involved in any form of illegal activity. No baby daddy, husband or side piece….NONE. Now look at Marsha?! I just feel for her children.
What a Chrissmuss presant fi Mr Maggella..sad but is the path you chose
What a Chrissmuss presant fi Mr Maggella..sad but is the path you chose, suck it up
I hope the Judge have pitty on Marsha and give her a light sentence because of her children.THen again she’s a black woman against the Justice system.
Flippa should a have pity pon her and limit her role in the business or tek the entire fall, so she could be out taking care of his children. Since dem a share the charges equally it look like she was seriously involved beyond just being his woman and helping out.
Very hard for him to do that when she was arrested delivering 2 or more kilos of cocaine, plus she was running the show when he was outside the US (collecting shipment and deliver packages.
Remember Marsha was out on bail unlike Flippa…There was a reason for that. I believe that she will get a much lighter sentence because she cooperated with the Feds. Sidonie was sentenced to 5 years but was released way earlier. Hopefully dem av likkle mercy pon ar. Her youngest is still a baby. Sad situation all around.
Ah how Feds now seh him name “flippa mogella” dwrcl swear they be on JMG yow lmfaooooo me can’t badda wid da flippa mogella deh in a d news reports .. Merry chrismus flippa
Gwan go wash your face and shoes now with champagne my youth. You got flipped Mr. Mafia. A fool and his illegal ill-gotten gains shall depart. Who caan hear will feel. “Hear me hear but me nuh care”
then next month u have another bunch of younglings who will walk down the same path …..smh HELP ME FATHER AS GO DO MY WORK DAILY…
Flippa, it is not too late to cop a plea. The great Tony Welch got 40-years in US prison. He later rat out all is fellow drugs friends (even have the feds listen on the line as he set up his partners in crime) and was set free after serving only 3-years and deported.
Is it futile to wish him the best?
:hammer Send it to the children in spirit, Lalibela.
Damn cant say we didn’t see that coming too much flossin kid
The feds use a sentencing guideline so most times there is no deviation. They should have pleaded guilty.
Show-off bring disgrace….No pity for them…SMH…This still wont stop the ones still doing it…SMH…Sighs
When jmg did a warn him all song him mek bout jmg and hear him hear but nuh care. See it yah now. Before the fool crop long time him a play wise like the fed a idiot. Fed are very inteligent who study criminal justice All the f**kry to impress dance hall logger hear a hope the ikan and other see it nuh worth it kids dem a feel now cause a dolphin antics
Well flippa flip till him flip over…How can u in a business like that n call attention to yu self..I saw him on cvm tv saying he is going to build a plaza I didn’t know a this him mean…then again nu him tek boat n gu back America n them let him stay n then people start call him rat but he was the rat fi true cuz si di trap ketch him
And new jersey a nuh easy place to bring crime in a dem rich neighborhood deh
Cant say i feel good to hear this man downfall just another ghetto yute a try make it.. Since he been of the scene party vibes nuh turn up as it use to but he just got to charge it to thr game.. Every man know the risk you take in this life style but you put a brave heart and go out there so you dont die poor
About time ghetto yute realize seh drug-dealing is neva di way out. It’s an illusion that fades wuickly and if dat ah di way out…den ah better dem dead poor…:travel
The Feds watching many more of them!! Dog leash get lock up and the Feds a walk with pictures a ask fi people! You have one over here name Rudy in a dance a talk how him rich! But make them gwaan. To looks of it ikon bag white and list goes on nah learn! On a next note what’s up with Kerry man?
for ppl who dont knw, you cant take a deal if the prosecutor dont offer one. they dont have to, the prosecutor cut the other ppl a deal so that they can get a bigger conviction and stronger case against the leaders.
A good attorney could have attempted to negotiate a deal…then again Flippa’s cocky so the pros. may have said hell no.
I have never heard of a drug case where plea bargaining is not available. Even the Shower Posse boss, Vivian Blake was able to plea bargain and his case was much la, much larger than Flippa case and involve murder charges. Taking any case to trial involve a certain level of risk for the prosecution and if they can plead bargain the case, it is much safer route to take and is available in pretty much any case, even murder cases.
Mr wet wet you deh on instagram a do the most trying to impress hoes with your ugly self take heed you ain’t fooling no one.pink Wall warn all The affected ones before disaster strike
mimi anuh yuh alone a ask bout Jue yuh think a lil time mi ask de question but no ansa is of avail,the man just last inna de system suh nuh court date nuh ntn a don’t even see de ooman mention if she visited him of lately…
Simplicity it is very strange not a word bout jue! How Kerry fi guh visit jue when shi lean up??? Poor jue the crew still a carry on and a party dem life away,Kerry shi look like shi comfortable with the situation and the likkle much wha ikon a give her!
But Mimi remember say a Kerry di yute did go check when him get stab up enu. Nully. Yes an a true because mi fren know dem good and say a she him go check. So maybe yuh not hearing bout Jue cause Kerry leff him fi good now. Tek up new mab an move on. It seems as if he didn’t have much friends around except Happel and Jadion dem….so if Kerry an dem nuh go visit or accept di calls we naw go really hear nutten bout him cause he ain’t got no one else on the outside to call. Kerry dish him dirt so we can’t hear nothing else bout him. Hush Jue. Mi always tink u was a cool dude.
Look how Marsha gi weh har life chu LOVE… and di saddest thing about it is Flippa Neva love har.. If him did he would not have made her his partner in crime. Tell me how dem kids ago grow up without either parents for the next 15 plus years ?
To all the ladies fighting for the wifey title I hope yall see the end results of “Ride or Die”. Wifey Marsha got the most disrespect and stress while being loyal to a man who cost her freedom. I wonder if when they are released the love will be the same? I am still trying to grasp the real reason for all this greed only to end up with nothing and worse than where you were in the first place. When I think about their kids future, I only see the parents as being selfish. They never thought about the kids or the consequences. I pray that the sentence will not be lengthy cause God knows , not even Dog no deserve them hard punishment deh. It all boils down to the Racial injustice this country cause di real mafia dem do worse than this and got less time. This is one of the main reason I walk pon chalk line cause mi know life no fair and mi nah gi weh mi only chance.
Mi feel it for the baby mother esp the kids who will be left w/o both parents. I can’t imagine spending an hour in prison moreover YEARS. For the life of me I could never understand why they think they’re invisible. Here u are doing criminal activities and showing off like there’s no tomorrow. Helllllooooo big daddy IS watching
Was the name brand car, clothing u name it worth trading away precious years that u will never re-gain? Jesus have mercy.
After all di bun Marsha get and disrespect mi nuh understand how she involve herself so deep in this…She was not wearing the money nor a life no type a life fi tek dem deh breed a stress and bout u a help man run business. Mi feel sorry fi flippa because is like him neva know what him a call pan himself
All HI-WUKKA she bout she gone ina it wid dem ..Flippa knew he was being watched das y him run go jamaica. mi cyah badda wid di story story because dem so foolish it unbelievable
That is the strangest thing about the story. He knew he was being watched and he left but he could have stayed in JA and play the extradition game…and if he was being watched and close to being arrested how dem allow him to leave the country??
Marie nuff tings fishy still
Good question as to why he came back to the USA. The only thing that comes to mind is that he did not feel safe in Jamaica. The police claim the cocaine was being shipped from Jamaica to US (California) so maybe the bigman in Jamaica wanted his head on a platter.
Wow if he ever gave damn about her he would have left her completely in the dark.
Bag White is the next on the feds list when the FBI get dawg leash the main person they keep asking him about was Bag White and his Brother Sadiki these young men don’t learn and will never. Bag White is in New York right now extremely comfortable knowing the FBI is watching is every move.Smh