One question for Paula and frenchie…… Are you guys gonna help “sheika” get an apartment?….it’s about time because she can’t have the kids kotching all over the place they need stability!…. Kmft bout stand out, stand out Mi rass….frenchie stop talk About Patrick because all he is doing is going down on the little young girls in Jamaica. Shame on y’all.
Morning posperous 2015 to JMG . Me hear sey the big boys looking for Keisha that’s why she’s unstable from Miami to NYC . Lord have mercy frenchie please no tell no body sey Patrick is your man cause the way him a swipe dun a JAMACA oh god ‘ fight fight over dat long tong man . Frenchie every body around u know sey him lick out batty & pussy a jamaica very hard .
But what about Booba, no plea bargain yet??
The son dog Nyam fe him supper. Mumma no set no decent lifestyle ina AMERICA ‘ only Paula a struggle with a decent job. The others off spring burglars & dealers what we sow in life that’s what we reap . Just hope they hurry up & deport him soon. Frenchie from England to new York born fe tief uno a sample kiss teeth ..
@Realtalk……Booba is a re-entry so he has to serve time for crime plus reentry, maybe he’ll get a deal and serve concurrent before they fling him dung.
If she never tell what she wearing I would never know she was in designer clothing. Designer clothing really nuh suit some ppl. If unno was paying fi dem, mi would tell unno save unno money and stick to di Rainbow dat unno know.
If real!! If shi Neva sey wat shi was wearing I wouldn’t know it was a designer dresss, shi mek it look so cheap with dat lip stick and di shoes should wear with some tin else.
Looking good Paula, as always,
Paula u and wayne stop parr? How is Kevin doing u send him regular money go give him a prison.frenchie how is your step child make sure u send more money suh Patrick can mine him child.
Then frenchie mek are daughter a suffer after she set up robbery weh cause him fi dead
Frenchie a wicked from long time that why these thing reaching her kids. Every man Paula f**k end up a jail fi life. Di family curse. Paula work no where stop lie.