Melicoccus bijugatus (the guinep’s scientific name) is native to northern South America and naturalised in coastal and dry forest in Central America, the Caribbean and parts of the Old World tropics.

The guinep is more nutritious than we think. It has indications for heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, cancer, blood pressure, asthma, teeth, bones and more.

Here are the health benefits of eating the guinep fruit, also known as the genips, quenepa or spanish lime:

Health Benefits of Guinep
The Guinep fruit grows in the tropics and are very popular in the Caribbean, Florida, Mexico, Africa, South America and other tropical areas… and the guinep fruit has lots of health benefits.

This small round fruit is about the size of an olive with a hard skin. Inside you’ll find a very sweet luscious fruit with a jelly like consistency, most people eat them fresh… but they can also be made into sauces, desserts, and juice.

Guinep Fruit
Thguinep-health-benefits-2e guinep fruit is full of fiber for lowering cholesterol and preventing constipation, also Vitamin A that boosts your immune system and prevents formation of urinary stones; Vitamin C which is very important as a great antioxidant; calcium which keeps your teeth and bones strong and helps prevent cancer; phosphorus which is important for digestion and regulating hormones.

Guinep also contains a large amount of tryptophan which is important for good sleep… and lysine which is important for proper growth and for preventing herpes.

Guinep lowers blood pressure and helps with asthma, and because guinep is full of antioxidants (Phenolic Compounds) they also work to prevent cardiovascular disease, boost your immune system and prevent strokes.

Studies are being done on guinep as a anti-diabetic food because particular proteins in guinep lower blood sugar levels.

The guinep fruit is low in fat, calories, and cholesterol free! Some people say if you want to lose weight just keep eating guinep all day long… it will keep you busy.

Guinep Leaves
The leaves of the guinep tree can be boiled and made into a tea which is great for intestinal problems.

Guinep Seeds
The large seed of the guinep fruit is also edible and can be cooked… and once cooked they taste great. Roasted, crushed, and mixed with honey, guinep seeds soothe away diarrhea, and in South America roast guinep seeds are used as a substitute for cassava flour for baking. In Colombia guinep juice is a staple and can be bought in stores, it’s sweet and wonderful tasting.

Remember guinep fruit must be ripe otherwise they contain toxins, and because of the large seeds they are a potential choking hazard for children.

7 thoughts on “GUINEP

  1. Would love to taste the guinep tea. Never knew the guinep packed all this goodness. Guinep season now to.

  2. Moderator the Guinep story never exciting but since mi a nerd it was informative and nuh body nah tell yuh how yuh fi run yuh site but if you only want your opinion alone might as well yuh talk to yuh self.

    1. I am ALWAYS open to opinions but dont come on here and tell me what to put, that is not giving an opinion that is giving orders and I dont work for u

      1. Don’t Stop put up heathy post, I love it and there are some few ppl who will love it too. Don’t mek them discourage you, by doing that you might help save lifes. A nuh everyday dem a go get excited over post. All when you a give them something to benefit themselves dem a complain nuh wan learn smh

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