Someone spliced a video from our Youth Town Hall to mislead you and give the impression that I disrespected a young man who asked about NIDS. This is not so. Please see the full exchange here.
We must be careful of those who will use dishonesty to achieve their narrow political objectives. Read for yourself, do your own research and get the full clips. Be careful of what and who you trust on social media.



  1. Well, after seeing this, my view has totally been changed because when I saw the spliced video I was totally shocked at what they made it appear his response was. Clearly the PNP and it’s supporters are on a mission to make this a political issue. Boy, when will this change? When will these people think about the country and its people? It’s really sad. Portia started the process to get the money, yet the PNP and it’s supporters are behaving like they have no clue. These things do not happen overnight so any well-thinking and sensible person will know that this did not start with Andrew so they need to stop playing politics

  2. 60 how much million wah loan…. When unno dun…we the Jamaican’s won’t own it….Trinidad owned we plane and banks,We (sorta)came from under the Queen and a head under the Chinese….let me see where we going next with. Keep borrowing.

  3. Yes I reposted my comment again from the last post about this… Common sense should tell you the money being spent on this could be used for the education sector, the health care sector, emergency, fire and rescue sector… More jobs, fix the roads, the drainage, sooooooooo many programs Jamaica needs and most of you guys think it is ok for them to spend 60 million dollars for a tracking system and you REALLY believe it is to better Jamaica??Oh just the same as how it was going to benefit Jamaica to have the highway built? How is it working so far? Keep allowing ALL these politicians to take benefits for themselves while in office, give away the land and freedom of the country, then when they leave office they silently fade into the night with realestate all over the world, diplomatic statuses and leave the whole country in turmoil. You all keep believing…Where does all the former prime ministers have their homes after getting out of politics? For all who is applauding this man the prime minister…ask yourself what kind of lifestyle these people and their offsprings live and research their every move after leaving office. You people keep thinking the politicians ALL of them yawd and abroad, keep on thinking they are doing anything for the benefits of we the people. When this global world power (The New World Order) that they all keep saying we need. When they have tagged and enslaved all mankind for their own benefit and the benefit of their offsprings, not ours, not we the people. For all who do not truly understand what this is about. For those of you who think only fanatical “Christians” and “dunce” people are against this, then you deserve to be enslaved. You deserve no privacy, you deserve the government dictating all your movements. You deserve the government telling you how much money that you work for whether by being employed or by the sweat of your hands working for yourself, you deserve them telling you how much of your money you can take out of the bank at any given time. You deserve when food is short for the government to dictate how much your family is allowed. If you piss off the right official you deserve one tap on the computer to shut down your national ID hence no hospital care, no job, no driving privilege, you deserve to be ostracized you deserve to have your freedom taken away! Oh we scan iris and palm now…. oh wait this ride is about to getting very bumpy somebody please go and Google Venezuela, national ID card used to ration out food…

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