Minister of National Security Robert Montague said Jamaica will be purchasing 40 dogs from the Cuban Government to be used primarily for the detection of guns and drugs, in addition to search and rescue.
He said the Jamaica Constabulary Force will be sending 40 trainers to Cuba to work with the dogs.
The national security minister, who was speaking to JCF and Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) personnel at a function at the Half Moon Hotel in Rose Hall, St James recently, said the Government is firmly focused on ensuring the safety and security of citizens.
“That is the number-one priority,” he said, while urging “decent people” to “stand up for what is right”.

He noted further that 450 policemen and women have been trained in conflict resolution to better enable them to respond to domestic-violence situations. Statistics indicate that about 37 per cent of murders are domestically based.
He said special attention will be given to western parishes, which recorded the highest number of murders last year.
An infantry and coast-guard base will be established in Freeport, Montego Bay, and at the old Braham Wharf in Savanna-la-Mar.
“We will be basing the newest battalion of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) in western Jamaica… a 1,000-man-strong battalion,” Montague said.
“We are beefing up resources in the west and we expect to see the results. I am saying to the police, you now have the support and resources where they can redouble their efforts and show the criminals that no effort will be spared in bringing them to justice,” he noted further.


  1. 40 dogs? So there aren’t any dogs in Jamaica? Im really confused. Are these a special type of dogs that are only in Cuba? I don’t have a problem with Jamaica having relations with Cuba but dogs?? So Jamaica have to be importing dogs now? Please Ms.Met help me understand, maybe I read too quickly. How are the dogs going to help in the process?

    1. Jamaica dogs? No way! If we use Jamaican dogs, the first thing they will do once the number get above 10 dogs, is to unionize. Then they will start out with dog biscuit and within a week they will demand Filet Mignon for treat when the find a gun or they will go on strike. Before long, they will demand a 2-day work-week and want to drive up front with the security forces…no back seat for the Jamaican dogs.

      After six months on the job, they start take bribes,becoming the most currupt security dogs in the Caribbean. Give me the Cuban dogs any day!

      1. Yu fi tap! Poor dogs have labor rights too :ngakak :ngakak

        You left out de bredding cause you know fi we brown mongrel dem nah romp fi skin out or mount a ting…lolol

  2. These are trained gun and drug sniffing dogs along with search and rescue dogs! It’s a good move, but I don’t believe dem should a buy none, could a ask dem fi lend we bout 10 a dem and we gwaan use dem deh, and then we get somebody train some a dem big dog from some a dem security company deh, dem dog deh already partially trained so a likkle a di special training will mek de as good as di others!

  3. Met!!! Not a frigging behavior you have! Then come the bad breed Anons…….behave! Poor chiny dem feel dah topic yah :hammer

  4. Yeah mon the comments n title shot,I just got a decent likkle laff.nobody to defend the Jamaican mongrels against the Chinese attacking invasion! !?

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