Former Local Government minister Noel Arscott has accused the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) of victimising supporters of the People’s National Party (PNP) and forcing “PNP people” out of their jobs since taking control of government earlier this year.
Speaking in the presence of Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller, Arscott told Comrades at a meeting in Black River late Saturday that the party may have to consider street protests to put a stop to the alleged political victimisation.
“The Jamaica Labour Party has been victimising PNP people ever since they came to office,” said Arscott.
He called no names, but said the JLP “have fired a number of PNP people since they came to office; they cancel people contract; they fire people and they terminate [without just cause]…”
Arscott argued that “the PNP cannot stand up and allow that to happen any longer. If they keep up this thing, we may have to take to the streets and deal with it, because we can’t take no more pressure from the Jamaica Labour Party…”
— Garfield Myers
Jamaica needs a multi-party system and not a bi-party system, thats the only way forward! we’re sick and tired of both you and them(jlp) RIF & RAF, put you and them together and you get RIF-RAF, THE CHAIR IS NOT A RIGHT OR AN ENTITLEMENT!
SO isn’t that what they all do when they get into power?