The Portland police have taken two men into custody as they continue their investigations into this morning’s murder of 44 year old Deon Bennett o/c ‘Spotta lion’.
According to Superintendent Oberlene Smith-Whyte in charge of the Portland police Bennett was shot and killed at about 2 am this morning by a masked gunman.
Police reports are that Bennett was in a Toyota Yaris motorcar with three other men at Bryan’s bay, Port Antonio, when two masked men one armed with a gun approached them asking for the whereabouts of a foreigner. The occupants ran from the car leaving the key in the ignition. It’s further reported that three of the men ran into a nearby restaurant and bar locking themselves in a room. However, Bennett ran to the back of the premises and was chased by the gunman where he was shot and killed.
Meanwhile, the other man went into the bar robbing the bartender of $30,000 along with a cellular phone and searched patrons. The criminals then stole the Toyota Yaris and sped off. They however, abandoned the vehicle less than a mile away at Rice piece road. Further reports allege that the men then left on a motorcycle.


  1. Michael Lee chin this is an appeal to u Good sir!!!plz spend a Lil change n don’t make the beautiful n quiet parish of Portland get outta hand!!nip it in the bud now!! Although I wish my parish did ONLY have 1 murder every 6weeks still instead of 1 every 6hours!!!

  2. This is crazy how murders just happen so frequently something has to be done to help the citizen to feel more safer, help the entire island for them to be safer to go to work or school or just hang out with their children… No one is exempt to possibility on being murdered… People leave their countries for many reason, for a better life, to escape poverty and crime etc…

  3. @Yardielovethug – Yes your right have heard that before, even when people try to take a stand nothing comes from it… I feel that the government needs to step in and help shape the police officers and give them better training to try to keep the crime down at a minimum better resources something to help keep JA safe because as soon as you know it everyone is going to try to leave JA for a better everything and I wouldn’t blame them… It’s time that the government do something for the people make them feel safer and make better cars that we won’t have to hear about people passing away due to a car accident…
    It’s just really sad… And I’m not saying that these types of incidents aren’t happening around the world because my country is not a bed a roses I can tell you that crime is happening in broad delight… So I know how it feels not to be safe in your own country you call home… That’s why my father migrated out and now we living in the U.S. but still love my country to the bone no matter what though…

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