Man with manure fetish jailed for eight-year vendetta against farmer who banned him rolling naked in cowpats
A man with a fetish for rolling naked in cow manure has been sentenced to five years in jail after he threatened to kill a family when they asked him to stop using their farm.
David Truscott, 43, became obsessed with Woodbury House Farm near Redruth and carried out an eight-year campaign against the family when they tried to prevent him from using their land.
He threatened to burn down the farm in West Cornwall and to attack owner Clive Roth, his wife Jackie, and their family.
Fetish: David Truscott has a cow slurry fetish and has been jailed for five years at Exeter Crown Court after threatening to kill a family who tried to stop him targeting their farm
Fetish: David Truscott has a cow slurry fetish and has been jailed for five years at Exeter Crown Court after threatening to kill a family who tried to stop him targeting their farm
His hate campaign started in 2004 when he was caught rolling naked in cow pats and then banned from the property after stripping off and climbing into a spreader.
Mr Truscott removed cow pats from the farm and began entering the farm to masturbate while rolling around in slurry, Judge Philip Wassall told the court on Friday.
And when farmers Clive and Jackie Roth attempted to stop him by removing slurry from their fields, he became enraged.
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He set light to the milking parlour in revenge torched a tractor, shed and hay and was jailed in 2005, 2009, and 2011.
In September 2009, he received a 16-week sentence after he stripped naked in the cattle pen, released the cattle and climbed into the slurry spreader.
On his release, Mr Truscott returned to the farm and sat naked in cow faeces, and was jailed for a further 20 weeks.
But whilst staying at a hostel in Exeter, he made a series of chilling threats about how he wanted to take revenge on the family by burning their farm and tying their 17-year-old son to a tree.
Mr Truscott spent a few weeks at another supported hostel in Somerset where staff allowed him to indulge in some aspects of his fetish, but he became angry and upset after being moved to Exeter, where he could not continue.
He was being treated for a type of autism.
The court heard how his threats have had a devastating effect on the Roth family and the farmer is now seriously ill, while his wife and family say his vendetta has affected their work and their lives.
Cow pat: His hate campaign started in 2004 when he was caught rolling naked in cow pats and then banned from the property after stripping off and climbing into a spreader.
Cow pat: His hate campaign started in 2004 when he was caught rolling naked in cow pats and then banned from the property after stripping off and climbing into a spreader.
Mr Truscott boasted of having £2,000 cash which he wanted to spend on a hitman and spoke of his admiration for revenge killer Raoul Moat.
He fantasised about kidnapping members of the Roth family, tying them to trees, dousing them with petrol and setting them alight.
Admiration: Mr Truscott boasted of having £2,000 cash which he wanted to spend on a hitman and spoke of his admiration for revenge killer Raoul Moat, pictured
Admiration: Mr Truscott boasted of having £2,000 cash which he wanted to spend on a hitman and spoke of his admiration for revenge killer Raoul Moat, pictured
The 43-year-old formerly of Pengegon Parc, Camborne, Cornwall, and Langdon Hospital in Dawlish, admitted making threats to kill and threats to destroy property.
On Friday he was handed an extended sentence of 10 years following psychiatric reports.
His lawyer, Robin Smith said: ‘My client is a complex and troubled individual and the context in which he made the threats is a very relevant feature.
‘He was released on February 27, 2012 half way through his sentence and for three and a half months he stayed at a hostel in Somerset.
He said: ‘He was very content there and was allowed to engage in some of his bizarre behaviour. His difficulties came when he was transferred to Exeter and these threats were made three days later.
‘It was in that conversation he made these threats when he was agitated and angry. There was an element of bravado, hot-headedness and attention seeking.’
Mr Trustcott will start his sentence in a mental hospital and will be subject to an order under the Mental Health Act until he is deemed well enough to be moved to complete his sentence in prison.
He was also handed a restraining order banning him from going west of a line stretching from Perranporth to Portscatho for life.
Judge Phillip Wassall said: ‘You expressed your anger and frustration at the people who owned the farm.
‘They must have been at their wits’ end that you kept coming back to their land. They are living in fear of seeing you again.
‘From everything I have heard and read I have not the slightest doubt you are a dangerous offender who poses a very real risk of causing serious harm.
‘In your case that could be anyone who owns a farm but at the moment it particularly applies to this family.’


  1. met that is not the man in the picture, the man in the picture is RAOUL MOAT, who was sentenced some years ago for killing his ex girlfriend new man and shooting a police officer!

      1. What a turn on…and is not the dry cow manure like what we mother use to put inna dem garden enuh- yuh see what it? Slurry. That suppose to water water and placka placka like :dp :dp :dp :dp

  2. He went thru all that trouble for nothing, when all he had to do was simply gone to his local dancehall club…there’s a lot of cow shit and bullshit in there :tai:

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