Nikki I don’t have anything against you personally because I don’t know you personally, but professionally you need to learn alot when it comes to customer service.

I decided to try your Chrome White product and seperate your personality from the situation because even though I see you on your live airing out persons who ask you questions and posting screenshots to embarrass them, it seemed like the product works and it speaks for itself.

And trust me it does. But people have questions. The time I see you going live it’s always to cuss someone or it’s surrounding drama. It’s never to talk about hey of you use my product send me some questions, here are some tips, or anything like that. And I’m a fairly new user so if you done that in the past It wasn’t recent where as to I could see.

You really need to learn when it come to customer service and when you learn that you’ll understand the meaning if longevity and keeping your customers for the long run. Trust me I love the Chrome White but because of your business etiquite I got something from someone else. So do better. Cut the drama and fix your attitude so your business can run long like Beenie man career. Worse some of your formula was exposed. I know your young and you might not understand this, but you can bite your tounge sometimes. Jesam.


  1. Sender there is no such product name krome white wey nicki own yuh nuh hear her business partner sey nicki just buy the ready made product down town into a tube and the transfer it to a bottle and put her name on the bottle and scam unno like a she invent it.

    Nicki is a big scammer because most people i know buy different creams and blend them then name them but nicki dont do shit she is a A class scammer .

    She buy the people them soap down town and rip off their label and put hers on it that shit is crazy.

    Nicki buy the tube of cream down town for $400 and it full 3 of her bottle and she sell each bottle for $2500 .

    so nicki makes a profit of $7100 off each tube .

    So all nicki customers are paying for is her bottle and lable because she bought the cream ready made.

    Unno guh town guh buy unno own tube .

    nicki you are too deceptive.

    Im not watch or knocking husslers but to put in no work and want such huge profit is crazy.

    The company need to be aware of your scam and sue you Nicki .

  2. Telling a bleacher to be classy is about the same as telling a piece of shit to smell nice, it’s futile.It’s in a tacky persons nature to communicate in abrasive ways so it seems like the sender has time to waste writing this crap. Skin bleaching is the ghetto persons tanning bed and pure low-level people partake in the practice, so finding sense amongst them is a tall order. It takes a certain level of ignorance and daftness in order to not understand the strength in melanin… If you mention the word melanin to a dancehall dunce like chromas she might think it’s a new flavor in I-cool. #DumbBytch

  3. Sender your intentions are good, but a person who don’t understand the value of good customer service, will also not understand the value of feedback or customer retention, they will also not understand that they can’t just assume a profession like the fake dentist or tamper with a brand/product that others spent years trying to build without consequence.

  4. So true. She nuh have nothing bout har. But I buy from a few of her wholesalers. They do much better service than she ever could

  5. Nikki Chromaz is a unprofessional, ratchet KUNT!!!

    taking people hard working money fi do batty… low life gyal

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